How to use Kodein in KMM?

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I have this initializer of Kodein in commonMain module:

object CommonInjector {
    val kodeinContainer = DI.lazy {

    val mainModule = DI.Module("main") {
        bind<IAccountManagerGateway>() with singleton { AccountManagerGateway() }
        bind<GetAccountUseCase>() with provider { GetAccountUseCase(instance()) }
        bind<GetDeviceNameUseCase>() with provider { GetDeviceNameUseCase() }
        bind<SignInUseCase>() with provider { SignInUseCase(instance()) }

However instance() doesn't work in KMM because of it relies on reified keyword that's not supported by KMM.

How to replace instance() here?

Android Studio prints the next error on instance() calls:

'inline fun <reified T : Any> DI.Builder.instance(instance: ???): InstanceBinding<???>' can't be called in this context by implicit receiver. Use the explicit one if necessary

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