how to use multiple item templates of nativescript in pure javascript

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I'm trying to implement multiple item templates for different data. my xml looks this

<lv:RadListView row="1" items="{{ list_data }}"
                itemTemplateSelector="{{ templateSelector }}">

                    <GridLayout rows="*,*" columns="*,auto" margin="15">
                        <Label row="0" col="0" text="{{ name }}"
                            textWrap="true" />
                        <Label row="1" col="0" text="{{ age }}"
                            textWrap="true" />
                        <Label rowSpan="2" col="1" text="{{ duration }}"
                            textWrap="true" />

                    <template key="break">
                        <GridLayout rows="*" columns="*,auto" margin="15"
                            <Label row="0" col="0" text="break"
                                textWrap="true" />
                            <Label rowSpan="2" col="1" text="{{ duration }}"
                                textWrap="true" />


on viewmodel

 var count = 1;
  var viewModel = observableModule.fromObject({
    list_data: [{ template: "default", name: "crunches", age: "X 30", duration: "45 sec" },
    { template: "break" },
    { template: "default", name: "situp", age: "X 30", duration: "45 sec" },
    { template: "break" },
    { template: "default", name: "jumpingjack", age: "X 30", duration: "45 sec" },

    templateSelector: function name(args) {
      return "break";

here the templateSelector is getting called 20 times. I don't know how it was working. I need to change the template based on template in list_data.

this is the complete project link


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