How to use multiple SuperpoweredFilter types in a singular audiosystem (SuperpoweredAudioIO)

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About the SuperpoweredFilter (being an analogue filter). Is it possible to have two instances for highpass and lowpass filter types in one audio system (SuperpoweredAudioIO)? Because I have tried different methods but the last filter type's instance declared only gets audible at runtime. Please help

This is my declaration of both instances;

filter = new SuperpoweredFilter(SuperpoweredFilter_Resonant_Highpass, samplerate);
filterb = new SuperpoweredFilter(SuperpoweredFilter_Resonant_Lowpass, samplerate);

audioSystem = new SuperpoweredAndroidAudioIO(samplerate, buffersize, false, true, audioProcessing, this, -1, SL_ANDROID_STREAM_MEDIA, buffersize * 2);

           filterb->setResonantParameters(floatToFrequency(1.0f), 0.2f);
           filter->setResonantParameters(floatToFrequency(1.0f), 0.2f);              //resonance


Also in the audioprocessing method, I called

filterb->process(stereoBuffer, stereoBuffer, numberOfSamples);  
filter->process(stereoBuffer, stereoBuffer, numberOfSamples); 

There are 1 best solutions below


It's not clear What you mean with

only gets audible at runtime

Do you call

filterb->process(stereoBuffer, stereoBuffer, numberOfSamples);  
filter->process(stereoBuffer, stereoBuffer, numberOfSamples);  

in the main "process" method?

Using the above calling sequence, however, if you set both filters Fc to 1.0 (that is 20kHz) you will have a situation like:
Lowpass-> block all frequencies above 20kHz (i.e.: no audible effect)
Highpass-> block all frequencies below 20kHz (i.e.: total frequencies cut off)
so you'll have almost no signal in output!
Did you try to change the Fc dynamically?