How to use sendtohawkbit or Suricatta daemon to send feedback messeges to hawkbit?

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This is yet another question relating to hawkbit and SWUpdate(Suricatta daemon): Basically I used hawkbit and SWupdate to run a firmware update on the RPi on the target it says "Update successful, executing post update actions" and then asks me to restart. as far as I know the update was successful but on the Hawkbit GUI the rollout bar is still yellow and processing how do I use suricatta daemon or sendtohawkbit utility to tell hawkbit that the update was successful, also is it possible to get a live GUI where the rollout bar shows how much it has completed etc..

I am not sure exactly of the ActiodID parameter, how do I find that exactly.



Please if anyone could show me an example that would be nice, Thank you very much.

This question was asked on the Hawkbit Gitter as well.


There are 1 best solutions below


What parameters are you using? or are you using the configuration file for the hawkbit?

If you are starting your swupdate using parameters then put the -c parameters with your other parameters and it will return the status.

Example would be

swupdate -l 5 -u '-u -t yourtenantname -i yourdeviceid -k yourtoken -c'