How to use valuetype in dnlib in order to insert Console.ReadKey()

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I am using the dnlib and I want to insert Console.ReadKey() at the end of the Console.WriteLines in another executable.

The code below partly works. Though the issue is. It produces the MSIL:

IL_0028: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::ReadKey()

When I want it to produce

IL_015a: call valuetype [mscorlib]System.ConsoleKeyInfo [mscorlib]System.Console::ReadKey()


            ModuleDefMD mod = ModuleDefMD.Load(args[0]);
            ModuleDef mode = new ModuleDefUser(args[0]);
            Importer importer = new Importer(mod);
            AssemblyDef asmr = mod.Assembly;
            foreach (TypeDef type in mod.GetTypes())
                foreach (MethodDef Method in type.Methods)

                    if (Method.Name == "Main")

                        TypeRef consoleRef = new TypeRefUser(mod, "System", "Console", mod.CorLibTypes.AssemblyRef);
                        MemberRef ReadAll = new MemberRefUser(mod, "ReadKey",

                        var method = Method;
                        var instructions = method.Body.Instructions;
                        instructions.Insert(8, new Instruction(OpCodes.Call, ReadAll));


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