How to use .witx definitions for Go code generation to use with TinyGo WebAssembly targeting WASI?

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Is it possible to use .witx definition files for Go code generation to use with TinyGo's WebAssembly WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) support?

Specifically, I want to create a Fastly Compute@Edge SDK for Go. These SDKs exist for JavaScript, AssemblyScript, Rust, Swift, and Zig, but not Go yet. This requires WebAssembly with WASI support which TinyGo has, but I haven't found any information on using WITX files yet.

Fastly says the following:

To execute your Wasm applications on Compute@Edge (and the local testing server), you need to use our Compute@Edge hostcalls, which are defined at These .witx files define the functionality of Compute@Edge. Use them with your chosen language's WASI tooling to generate stubs or interfaces for your custom SDK to implement.

The .witx files are here:

Wasm by Example indicates that TinyGo can be used to target WASM with WASI support:

Let's compile our main.go into a Wasm module that targets WASI!

This can be down with the -wasm-abi=generic and -target=wasi flags when you run the TinyGo compiler:

tinygo build -wasm-abi=generic -target=wasi -o main.wasm main.go

Which should output (-o) a main.wasm file that we can run in a WebAssembly runtime that supports WASI!

It seems that a Go code generator that reads .wtix files and generates Go code is needed. Does one exist?

If not, it seems like the three approaches would be:

  1. Extend a common code generator with Go support, likely written in a different language. For example, WITX-CodeGen exists without Go support yet and is written in Rust. This would be like using the Java-based OpenAPI Generator to create Go REST API server stubs using OpenAPI Spec.
  2. Create a Go-based .witx code generator. This could be like the Go-based OAPI CodeGen for OpenAPI Spec.
  3. Create the Go definitions manually, which would likely be a pre-cursor for either of the code gen approaches.

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