How to wait for khttp (kotlin) response in Android

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I've been trying to use khttp to send an .jpg file in an android activity but haven't been able to make it work.

fun sendImage(view: View) {

    try {
        var bmp = (imageView?.drawable as BitmapDrawable).bitmap
        var bos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
        bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 0, bos)
        var response: Response? = null
        findViewById<TextView>( = "Connecting to " + SERVER_URL;

        try {
            val job=GlobalScope.launch {
                response = post(SERVER_URL, files = listOf(File(path).fileLike(name = "Image.jpg")))

            findViewById<TextView>( = "Image contains: ${response?.text}"
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            findViewById<TextView>( = "Connection failed - please check fields are valid"
            findViewById<TextView>( = e.toString()

    } catch (e: UnknownHostException) {
        findViewById<TextView>( = "Unknown host :("
    } catch (e: IOException) {
        findViewById<TextView>( = "IO exceptiion :("
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        findViewById<TextView>( = "Other exception :("

As soon as i send the image, image_desc textView's text change to Image contains: null. I'm sure the server isn't the problem, since when I test it with this python code:

import requests

files = {'file': open('./test/cat.jpg', 'rb')},files=files)
print (r.text)

I get the desired response after a short delay. I've tried turning sendImage to a suspend func and writing job.join() but that crashes the app. How should fix this?


There are 1 best solutions below


Try next code:

val job = GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
    val postOperation = async(Dispatchers.IO) { // <- extension on launch scope, launched in IO dispatcher
        // blocking I/O operation
        post(SERVER_URL, files = listOf(File(path).fileLike(name = "Image.jpg")))
    response = postOperation.await() // wait for result of I/O operation without blocking the main thread
    findViewById<TextView>( = "Image contains: ${response?.text}"

Also add next line to app's build.gradle dependency:

implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.0.1'

Note that GlobalScope is discouraged to use, to launch a coroutine use an instance of CoroutineScope, or existing instance like viewModelScope or lifecycleScope.


The correct approach would be to use lifecycleScope in Activity:

lifecycleScope.launch { // uses Dispatchers.Main context
    val response = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // change context to background thread
        // blocking I/O operation
        post(SERVER_URL, files = listOf(File(path).fileLike(name = "Image.jpg")))
    findViewById<TextView>( = "Image contains: ${response?.text}"