How to write Federated SPARQL request in Protege

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Can somebody help me please with SPARQL Federated, because I can't understand it syntax.

For example I have my own local ontology (museum domen) and there are some data regarding weather I find this

How can I view information from this ontology (weather and date, for example) and my ontology (excursion and date)? I tried to create request here but it does not work in Protege.

I tried to create request in Protege:

*** PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX foaf:   <>

SELECT ?date ?excursion
    WHERE <> foaf: ?excursion .
  SERVICE <> { 
    ?date foaf:date ?date . ***

but it does not work again

What prefixes should I have? Can I get data from this link in Protege?

enter image description here I can get data from my ontology, but do not understand how to use dbpedia data


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