How we could configure icons image for a new document format in webtop?

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I am using webtop 6.8.1 , CS 7.2. I need to add one new Document format say .xyz. I have added it successfully.

But when such Document is listed, its icon is not getting shown correctly, while for other formats like pdf or gif it is showing correct icon.

do we need to add any gif in war file theme/icons folder?


There are 1 best solutions below


You can add custom icon for any format.

Icon images should be in GIF format and should be present in two dimensions: 16x16 and 32x32 pixels. Both GIF files should be located in webtop/custom/theme/documentum/icons/format folder and named using this pattern: f_formatname_XX.gif where:

  • formatname - is a value of the name attribute of the dm_format object
  • XX - is an image size with possible values 16 and 32

For example we had on our past project icons for Jasper Reports and InfoPath XML files in this structure:

├── custom
│   └── theme
│       └── documentum
│           └── icons
│               ├── format
│               │   ├── f_jasperreport_16.gif
│               │   ├── f_jasperreport_32.gif
│               │   ├── f_xmlinfopath_16.gif
│               │   └── f_xmlinfopath_32.gif