HTML5 video, waiting for video end, waiting for video ready

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Hello as you can see from my sample code i am trying to play an array of videos back to back.

What i attempt to do is create a for loop which cycles for the length of the array. Within the for loop i call a PlayAVideo function that empties a div and then reenters a new video + source tags. My objective is to begin the for loop, play the first video in the array, wait for end of video, then continue with for loop with next element in the array. What currently happens is the for loop cycles through the entire array and only plays the last video. I have checked the readystate of the video tag after i add a new one, but they dont appear to ever get to 4(im pretty sure they stay at 0) until the last video is loaded. My idea was to begin playing the video and then start a do while loop until the currentVideo.ended event changes the parameter that is checked. My code doesnt ever appear to reach this spot. Not really sure where to go.


    $('.play-all').on("click", function(){
        var videoFileArray;
        var pictureFileArray;
        var rosterArray = LoadRosterFromButtons();
        rosterArray = FormatArray(rosterArray);
        videoFileArray = AddMovieExtensions(rosterArray);
        for(var i = 0; i < videoFileArray.length; i++ ){

            PlayAVideo(i, videoFileArray);
        // PlayAllVideos(videoFileArray);
        // AlertRosterArray(videoFileArray);

function PlayAVideo(position, fileArray){
    var videoEnded;
    var currentVideo = document.getElementById('play-video'); //current video
    videoTag = '<video  id="play-video" width="588" height="318" controls autoplay><source src="{fileName}" type="video/mp4">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>';
    videoTag = videoTag.replace('{fileName}', fileArray[position]);
    // $('.video-player').html(videoTag);
    currentVideo = document.getElementById('play-video'); 
    if(currentVideo.readyState === 0){
    if(currentVideo.readyState === 4){;
        }while(videoEnded === false);
        currentvideo.ended = function(){

// function PlayAllVideos(fileArray){
    // var videoCurrentTime;
    // var videoDuration;
    // var currentArrayPosition = 0;

    // do{
        // var videoTag = '<video  id="play-video" width="588" height="318" controls autoplay><source src="{fileName}" type="video/mp4">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>';
        // videoTag = videoTag.replace('{fileName}', fileArray[currentArrayPosition]);
        // $('.video-player').empty();
        // $('.video-player').html(videoTag);
        // var clip = document.getElementById('play-video'); //current video 
        // if(clip === undefined){
            // alert('clip is undefined');
        // }
        // else{
            // console.log(clip.readyState);
                // if(clip.readyState === 0){
                    // alert('readyState === 0');
                // }
            // clip.load();
        // }
        // videoDuration = clip.duration;
        // videoDuration = videoDuration.toFixed(1);

        // do{
            // videoCurrentTime = videoTimeCounterUpdate(clip);
        // }while(videoCurrentTime < videoDuration);

        // if(videoCurrentTime === videoDuration){
            // currentArrayPosition += 1
            // alert('end of video');
            // continue;
        // }

        // currentArrayPosition += 1
    // }while(currentArrayPosition < fileArray.length);

    // for(var i = 0; i < fileArray.length; i++ ){
        // var videoTag = '<video  id="play-video" width="588" height="318" controls autoplay><source src="{fileName}" type="video/mp4">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>';
        // videoTag = videoTag.replace('{fileName}', fileArray[i]);
        // $('.video-player').empty();
        // $('.video-player').html(videoTag);
        // var clip = document.getElementById('play-video'); //current video 
        // // if(clip === undefined){
            // // alert('clip is undefined');
        // // }
        // // else{
            // //;
        // // }
        // videoDuration = clip.duration;
        // videoDuration = videoDuration.toFixed(1);

        // do{
            // videoCurrentTime = videoTimeCounterUpdate(clip);
        // }while(videoCurrentTime < videoDuration);

        // if(videoCurrentTime === videoDuration){
            // alert('end of video');
            // continue;
        // }
    // }
// }

function AddMovieExtensions(roster){
    var rosterArrayFormatted = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < roster.length; i++ ){
        rosterArrayFormatted[i] = roster[i] + '.mov';
    return rosterArrayFormatted;

function LoadRosterFromButtons(){
//Loads current roster into memory from button labels
    var currentC = "Willin Rosario";
    var current1B = "1b Man";
    var current2B = "current 2b";
    var currentSS = "current SS";
    var current3B = "current TB";
    var currentOF1 = "OF1";
    var currentOF2 = "OF2";
    var currentOF3 = "OF3";
    var currentU = "This is A U";
    var currentP1 = "P1";
    var currentP2 = "willinrosario";
    var rosterArray = [currentC, current1B, current2B, currentSS, current3B, currentOF1, currentOF2, currentOF3, currentU, currentP1, currentP2];
    return rosterArray;

function FormatArray(roster){
//remove spaces and lowercase all letters
var rosterArrayFormatted = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < roster.length; i++ ){
        rosterArrayFormatted[i] = roster[i].replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase();
return rosterArrayFormatted;

function AlertRosterArray(roster){
    for(var i = 0; i < roster.length; i++ ){

// function PlayAllVideos(fileArray){
    // for(var i = 0; i < fileArray.length; i++ ){
        // do{

        // }while();
    // }
// }

function videoTimeCounterUpdate(clipObject){
    var clipTime = clipObject.currentTime;
    clipTime = clipTime.toFixed(1);
    var runTimeUpdate = setTimeout(videoTimeCounterUpdate, 100); //Round to .x digit    


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                            <video  id="play-video" width="588" height="318" controls autobuffer>
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                        <li><span>1B</span><span>Chris Davis</span><span class="team">Baltimore Orioles</span></li>
                        <li><span>2B</span><span>Ian Kinsler</span><span class="team">Detroit Tigers</span></li>
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                        <li><span>OF</span><span>Mike Trout</span><span class="team">Los Angeles Angels</span></li>
                        <li><span>OF</span><span>Josh Hamilton</span><span class="team">Los Angeles Angels</span></li>
                        <li><span>OF</span><span>Michael Cuddyer</span><span class="team">Colorado Rockies</span></li>
                        <li><span>U</span><span>David Ortiz</span><span class="team">Boston Red Sox</span></li>
                        <li><span>P</span><span>Clayton Kershaw</span><span class="team">Los Angeles Dodgers</span></li>
                        <li><span>P</span><span>Matt Harvey</span><span class="team">New York Mets</span></li>

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There are 1 best solutions below


While not replicating all your logic, this video will take the array of videos (defined in the first script block) and step through them using the ended event to advance to the next array item.

    var videos = new Array("BigBuck.m4v","Video.mp4","BigBuck.m4v","Video2.mp4");
    var currentVideo = 0;

function nextVideo() {
    // get the element
    videoPlayer = document.getElementById("play-video")
    // remove the event listener, if there is one

    // update the source with the currentVideo from the videos array
    videoPlayer.src = videos[currentVideo];
    // play the video

    // increment the currentVideo, looping at the end of the array
    currentVideo = (currentVideo + 1) % videos.length

    // add an event listener so when the video ends it will call the nextVideo function again
    videoPlayer.addEventListener('ended', nextVideo,false);
<div class="video-player">
    <video  id="play-video" width="588" height="318" controls autobuffer muted>
    Your browser does not support the video tag.
    </video>    <!--end video container -->

    // call the video player