I am trying to do arithmetic on table values

184 Views Asked by At

I was trying to do name changing that depends on sex choosing (by default it's male). But I can't do it. I have been trying to do it all day but it still doesn't work correctly. Actually it works, the sex is correctly changing from male to female but when I'm trying to change it back(from female to male), I get an error:

[ERROR] *path*/cl_new_character.lua:1055: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'defMaleInfos' (a table value) 
1. DoClick - *path*/cl_new_character.lua:1055 
2. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:232

Here's the code:

local defMaleInfos = { 
    model = "models/kerry/player/citizen/male_02.mdl",
    name = randommname,
    surname = randommsurname,
    sex = 1,
    playerColor = Vector(1,1,1),
    bodygroups = {
        top = "polo",
        pant = "pant",
    skin = 0,
    eyestexture = {
        basetexture = {
            ["r"] = "eyes/eyes/amber_r",
            ["l"] = "eyes/eyes/amber_l",
    hasCostume = false, 
    teetexture = {
        basetexture = "models/citizen/body/citizen_sheet", 
        hasCustomThings = false,
    panttexture = {
        basetexture = "models/citizen/body/citizen_sheet",

local infos = defMaleInfos 

local defFemaleInfos = {
    model = "models/kerry/player/citizen/female_01.mdl",
    name = randomwname,
    surname = randomwsurname,
    sex = 0,
    playerColor = Vector(1,1,1),
    bodygroups = {
        top = "polo",
        pant = "pant",
    skin = 0,
    eyestexture = {
        basetexture = {
            ["r"] = "eyes/eyes/amber_r",
            ["l"] = "eyes/eyes/amber_l",
    hasCostume = false,
    teetexture = {
        basetexture = "models/humans/modern/female/sheet_01",
        hasCustomThings = false,
    panttexture = {
        basetexture = "models/humans/modern/female/sheet_01",

local infosw = defFemaleInfos  

*code of panel*

    local DButton1 = vgui.Create( "DButton", DPanel2)
    DButton1:SetSize( 80,80 )
    DButton1:SetPos( w/2-80/2 -100,h/4-80/2+20  )
    DButton1:SetText( "" )  
    DButton1.Paint = function(pnl, w, h )

        local m = 1
        if infos.sex != 1 then
            m = 0

        surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
        surface.SetMaterial( male )
        surface.DrawTexturedRect( 2 + (w-4)/2 - 64/2, 2 + (h-4)/2 - 64/2, 64,64 )

    DButton1.DoClick = function( pnl )
        infos.name = table.Random(listWName)
        infos.surname = table.Random(listWSurname)

        infos = defMaleInfos

    local DButton2 = vgui.Create( "DButton", DPanel2)
    DButton2:SetSize( 80,80 )
    DButton2:SetPos( w/2-80/2 + 100,h/4-80/2 +20 )
    DButton2:SetText( "" )  
    DButton2.Paint = function(pnl, w, h )

        local m = 1
        if infos.sex != 0 then
           m = 0

    surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
    surface.SetMaterial( female )
    surface.DrawTexturedRect( 2 + (w-4)/2 - 64/2, 2 + (h-4)/2 - 64/2, 64,64 )

   DButton2.DoClick = function( pnl )
       infos.name = table.Random(listWName)
       infos.surname = table.Random(listWSurname)

       infos = defFemaleInfos


There are 1 best solutions below


Could you please let us know which is the line 1055? Because the only thing I'm able to see is that there are four members of the 'infos' table being edited and then replaced all by the default values of one gender's info.

infos.name = table.Random(listWName)
infos.surname = table.Random(listWSurname)

infos = defMaleInfos


infos.name = table.Random(listWName)
infos.surname = table.Random(listWSurname)

infos = defFemaleInfos

Should be:

infos = defMaleInfos

infos.name = table.Random(listWName)
infos.surname = table.Random(listWSurname)


infos = defFemaleInfos

infos.name = table.Random(listWName)
infos.surname = table.Random(listWSurname)

Edit: There's also something else you should take a look at ( lines 989 - 1022 ), because in those lines you make use of a C way to comment code. That's why you should replace those /* */ by --[[ and --]] respectively:

--[[local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", DPanel ) -- create the form as a child of frame
TextEntry:SetPos( w/2-100, 30 + 40 )
TextEntry:SetSize( 200, 30 )
TextEntry:SetText(  infos.name )
TextEntry.OnTextChanged = function( self )
    txt = self:GetValue()
    local amt = string.len(txt)
    if amt > 15 then
        self.OldText = self.OldText or infos.name
        self.OldText = txt
    infos.name = TextEntry:GetValue()

local TextEntry2 = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", DPanel ) -- create the form as a child of frame
TextEntry2:SetPos( w/2-100, 30 + 40 * 2 )
TextEntry2:SetSize( 200, 30 )
TextEntry2:SetText(  infos.surname )
TextEntry2.OnTextChanged = function( self )
    txt = self:GetValue()
    local amt = string.len(txt)
    if amt > 15 then
        self.OldText = self.OldText or infos.surname
        self.OldText = txt
    infos.surname = TextEntry2:GetValue()