I can´t deploy a nuxt3 project with i18n Plugin

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I have a project developed in Nuxt 3, and I built and deployed it to host it on the Netlify website, and everything went smoothly. The project was live without any errors, and everything was fine.

Afterward, I decided to develop the project in multiple languages. I installed the i18n plugin in the project and adjusted all the files. In my local environment, everything is working perfectly. However, when I deploy it and put the site live, it stopped working. The build and deploy logs do not point to any errors, but the site displays the following error:

500 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'source')

I have been researching and looking for a solution for some time now. I've tried contacting support and the Netlify forum but haven't found a solution yet.

Below, I list some code snippets for verification to see if everything is okay:


import i18nConfig from './i18n.config'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    // Other configurations ...

    modules: ['@pinia/nuxt', '@nuxtjs/i18n'],

    i18n: i18nConfig,

i18n.config.js (at the root of the project)

// i18n.config.js
export default {
    locales: [
            name: 'English',
            code: 'en',
            iso: 'en',
            file: 'en.js',
            name: 'Português',
            code: 'pt',
            iso: 'pt',
            file: 'pt.js',
            name: 'Español',
            code: 'es',
            iso: 'es',
            file: 'es.js',
            name: 'Français',
            code: 'fr',
            iso: 'fr',
            file: 'fr.js',
            name: 'Italiano',
            code: 'it',
            iso: 'it',
            file: 'it.js',
            name: 'Deutsch',
            code: 'de',
            iso: 'de',
            file: 'de.js',
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    lazy: true,
    langDir: 'lang/',
    strategy: 'prefix_except_default',
    // vueI18n: {
    //     fallbackLocale: "en-US",
    //   },

The "lang" folder is located at the root of the project, and inside it, there is a file.js for each language, e.g., en.js:

export default {
    themeColor: 'Theme Mode',
    navbar: {
        home: 'Home',
        about: 'About',
        experiences: 'Experiences',
        academics: 'Academics',
        skills: 'Skills',

An example of how I use it in components:

<h1 class="text homeTitle uppercase white d-flex flex-column flex-xl-row justify-content-center align-items-center">
    {{ $t('home.mainText') }}

In some dynamic components, I had to create an object with content, and the only way I managed to do it was by using "loc.source," as in the example below. I'm sending the entire component here for better understanding, and I believe the error may be in these components. Even though it works locally, I think Netlify handles something differently internally that I can't explain.

        <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="hexagon-cards d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center flex-wrap">
                <div class="col-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 hexagon-cards-item" v-for="mySkill in mySkills" :key="`mySkill-item-${mySkill.id}`">
                    <SkillsLanguageItem :value="mySkill" />

<script setup>
import skill from '@/assets/images/skills/skill'

const { t, tm } = useI18n()

const mySkillsLang = tm('skills.languages')

const mySkills = mySkillsLang.map((skill) => ({
    skillTitle: skill.skillTitle.loc.source,
    skillImage: getCertificateImagePath(skill.skillImage.loc.source),
    skillKnowledge: skill.skillKnowledge.loc.source,

function getCertificateImagePath(name) {
    return skill[name]

I couldn't find another way to make the objects I need to use with "source" work as mentioned above. However, it works in my local environment. So, I tried to check for possible configurations in Netlify, but without success.


  publish = "dist"


    structure: multiple_folders
    locales: [de, en, es, fr, it, pt]
    default_locale: en

Please, if anyone knows how to give any advice, I would greatly appreciate it, and I am available to provide more details if necessary.


There are 1 best solutions below


I have i18n.config.ts as a separate file in app root with no direct reference from nuxt.config.ts. The file structure looks like this:

export default defineI18nConfig(() => ({

And it just works outside the box. My app is deployed on netlify and running smoothly. Repo here if you wanna have deeper look.

Maybe you should also try what is described in the docs - the config should be nested inside i18n option:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    // Other configurations ...

    modules: ['@pinia/nuxt', '@nuxtjs/i18n'],

    i18n: {
        vueI18n: i18nConfig

And/or change your i18n config file to provide export default defineI18nConfig(() => ({ ... }) and not just plain JS object.