I get Error initializing Open Alpr when using this sample application

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I am trying to use the sample application of this repo.

At some point, I try to recognize a license plate using OpenALPR and I log in Logcat the result :

String result = OpenALPR.Factory.create(MainActivity.this, ANDROID_DATA_DIR).recognizeWithCountryRegionNConfig("eu", "fr", imageFile.getAbsolutePath(), openAlprConfFile, 10);
Log.d("OPEN ALPR", result); 

The result I get is :

{"error":true,"msg":"Error initializing Open Alpr"}

I don't really understand why I get this error.

What I tried :

  • Changing the method parameters, using "us" as a country
  • Adding android { defaultConfig { ndk { abiFilters "armeabi-v7a" } } } to my build.gradle as related here
  • Checking the openalpr.conf to be sure runtime_dir was well setup
  • Be sure Open Alpr was loaded by putting a try catch in AlprJNIWrapper when the library is loaded

I tried many other things but nothing make it work.

Any idea?


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