I need the option of passing in a vector of objects, or brace-enclosed list, to a constructor

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My constructor originally took a std::vector<> but I couldn't figure out how to get a braced list to initialize it. I got it working after changing to an std:initializer_list<>. I found two ways: 1) passing the initializer_list in as a parameter to the array constructor (commented out in code below) and 2) using the std::copy algo (as seen in code below).

Now, I need to create this object with a std::vector<> and can't figure out how to convert it to the initializer_list. I could make a second constructor that takes a vector, but as an exercise I'd like to get this working with one constructor if possible.

Any ideas?

class One: public Base {
  One( Two* ptwo_in, std::initializer_list<Three> ilthree ) :
    ptwo( ptwo_in )//,
    //athree_( ilthree )
    athree_.reserve( ilthree .size() );
    std::copy( ilthree .begin(), ilthree .end(), athree_.begin() );

  Two*               ptwo_;
  std::vector<Three> athree_;

  // Works fine:

  new One( &two, { Three( args ),
                   Three( args ),
                   Three( args ), } )

  // Doesn't work:

  std::vector<Three>* pathreeSomething
  athreeOther.push_back( new One( ptwoLocal, *pathreeSomething ) );

There are 1 best solutions below


On that third line of code it works with replacing initializer_list with vector, true. But I don't want to pass around a whole vector as an arg.

You're going to construct a vector anyway (One::athree_). So just move the vector passed to the constructor rather than copy it:

class One: public Base {
    One(Two* ptwo_in, std::vector<Three> ilthree)
        : ptwo{ptwo_in}
        , athree_{std::move(ilthree)}
    { }

    Two* ptwo_;
    std::vector<Three> athree_;

This is a common pattern in C++. Pass by non-const value and use move semantics to avoid copies:

One one{some_ptr, {Three{args}, Three{args}, Three{args}}};


std::vector<Three> vec{ ... };

// moves 'vec' to the ctor parameter, the ctor then moves it to its member
One one{some_ptr, std::move(vec)};

No unnecessary copies that way.