I want to make an animated polar chart but the chart i get only has one radii with a list

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med_spotify = spotify_data.drop(columns=['name', 'explicit', 'artists', 'key', 'mode', 'time_signature', 'tempo', 'duration_ms', 'loudness'])    

med_spotify = med_spotify.groupby('release_date').median()
med_spotify = med_spotify.reset_index()
merged = med_spotify['release_date'].to_frame()
merged['theta'] = [med_spotify.columns] * len(merged)
merged['r'] = np.nan
merged['r'] = merged['r'].astype('object')
for k in range(len(merged)):
    merged.at[k, 'r'] = med_spotify.iloc[k].to_list()

fig4 = px.line_polar(merged, r='r', theta='theta', animation_frame='release_date', line_close=True)

how the plot looks in the browser

I have a dataframe with songs from spotify, then I've made a dataframe with the median of the columns for every year. Now I want to represent that information in a line polar chart animation.


This article shows something similar but omits the code that explains how it was done. Changing the theta parameter to a list of column names to use as radii gives an error saying that the length has to be the same as the r parameter. This code shows a empty plot but no errors.

I've tried every way I know to make this work the last two days and searched everywhere in the internet and there's no code examples of px.line_polar charts animated.

Thank you

spotify_data example:

                                  name  duration_ms  explicit  \
0                                Carve       126903         0   
1  Capítulo 2.16 - Banquero Anarquista        98200         0   
2   Vivo para Quererte - Remasterizado       181640         0   
3        El Prisionero - Remasterizado       176907         0   
4                  Lady of the Evening       163080         0   

               artists  release_date  danceability  energy  key  loudness  \
0              ['Uli']          1922         0.645  0.4450    0   -13.338   
1  ['Fernando Pessoa']          1922         0.695  0.2630    0   -22.136   
2  ['Ignacio Corsini']          1922         0.434  0.1770    1   -21.180   
3  ['Ignacio Corsini']          1922         0.321  0.0946    7   -27.961   
4      ['Dick Haymes']          1922         0.402  0.1580    3   -16.900   

   mode  speechiness  acousticness  instrumentalness  liveness  valence  \
0     1       0.4510         0.674            0.7440     0.151    0.127   
1     1       0.9570         0.797            0.0000     0.148    0.655   
2     1       0.0512         0.994            0.0218     0.212    0.457   
3     1       0.0504         0.995            0.9180     0.104    0.397   
4     0       0.0390         0.989            0.1300     0.311    0.196   

     tempo  time_signature  
0  104.851               3  
1  102.009               1  
2  130.418               5  
3  169.980               3  
4  103.220               4  

There are 1 best solutions below


Since the given data is in wide format, it can be converted to long format to make the data usable for graphing. The data provided was partial data, so I copied the same data and added the year. pd.melt() should refer to this.

med_spotify = spotify_data.drop(columns=['name', 'explicit', 'artists', 'key', 'mode', 'time_signature', 'tempo', 'duration_ms', 'loudness']) 
med_spotify = med_spotify.groupby('release_date').median()
plot_data = pd.melt(med_spotify, id_vars='release_date', var_name='attribute', value_name='attribute_value')

import plotly.express as px

fig = px.line_polar(plot_data,
                    animation_frame = 'release_date',
                    template = 'ggplot2'


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