I am working on a project for GNN_based decoder. A project to improve code using Nvidia's Sienna library. I want to measure FLOPs, but it's all custom models, so I don't know how to start. I want to measure the amount of computation of the call function set to @tf.funcion, what should I do

@tf.function(jit_compile=True) def call(self, batch_size, ebno_db):

    # no rate-adjustment for uncoded transmission or es_no scenario
    if self._decoder is not None and self._es_no==False:
        no = ebnodb2no(ebno_db, self._num_bits_per_symbol, self._k/self._n)
    else: #for uncoded transmissions the rate is 1
        no = ebnodb2no(ebno_db, self._num_bits_per_symbol, 1)

    b = self._binary_source([batch_size, self._k])

    if self._encoder is not None:
        c = self._encoder(b)
        c = b

    # check that rate calculations are correct
    assert self._n==c.shape[-1], "Invalid value of n."

    # zero padding to support odd codeword lengths
    if self._n%2==1:
        c_pad = tf.concat([c, tf.zeros([batch_size, 1])], axis=1)
    else: # no padding
        c_pad = c
    x = self._mapper(c_pad)

    y = self._channel([x, no])
    llr = self._demapper([y, no])

    # remove zero padded bit at the end
    if self._n%2==1:
        llr = llr[:,:-1]

    # and run the decoder
    if self._decoder is not None:
        llr = self._decoder(llr)
    if self._return_infobits:
        return b, llr
        return c, llr

How much calculation will it take to perform the decoding process? Below is the link to the github of that code.


I'm curious about how to measure FLOPs even if it's not deep learning as above.


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