IBM watson visual recognition services _visualRecognition.Classify() is not returning proper result for Custom classes

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I am developing VR tool in .NET framework using IBM watson visual recognition service. _visualRecognition. Classify () method was working fine for the custom classifiers before a week. Now I am running the same code but it's not working properly, it's not classifying any images with respect to created custom classes. It's working as default classify method even after passing classifierID's and Owner Id's. It's work as default classify method


var result = _visualRecognition.Classify(imageByte, imagePath, "image/jpg", Urls, Classifiers, Owners, 0.8f, "en");

Before same code returning below result. Please refer below image:

Result running same code before

Result "One" class in Custom classifiers.

But now same code is returning different result:

Same image, but returning different result


There are 1 best solutions below


We updated the service last Monday and a slight change in how certain options took precedence caused a problem with users of the node SDK. If you update your node SDK from github it should resolve the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience!