IdP Proxy - SLO SP initiated

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I'm trying to construct an IdP-Proxy based on component-space SAML solution.

Till now i was able to handle single sign on in the following manner:

  1. Add a SingleSignOnService method that's receiving the AUTHN requrest from the SP and initiates a SSO to a partner IdP (SP-initiated SSO).
  2. Add an AssertionConsumerService that's receiving a SSO result and cheks IsInResponseTo flag. Based on this flag i identified if I'm in SP-initiated SSO or in IdP-initiated SSO flow and finalized the flow accordingly.

I'm trying to handle single log out in the same manner using the following example flow: Single SAMLv2 Identity Provider Proxy Logout

In theory, for a SP-initiated log out, i need to achieve the following: 1. Receive a single logout request 2. Check if it's not a response 3. Identify IdP 4. Send a Slo request to IdP identified at step 3 5. Respond to the SP-initiated SLO indicating successful logout.

public async Task<IActionResult> SingleLogoutService()
    // Receive the single logout request or response.
    // If a request is received then single logout is being initiated by a partner service provider.
    // If a response is received then this is in response to single logout having been initiated by the identity provider.
    var sloResult = await _samlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSloAsync();

    if (sloResult.IsResponse)
      // Figure out IdP Partner Name 
      var idpPartnerName = _configuration["IdPPartnerName"];

      // Send logout request to idp partner
      await _samlServiceProvider.InitiateSloAsync(idpPartnerName, sloResult.LogoutReason, sloResult.RelayState);

      // Respond to the SP-initiated SLO request indicating successful logout.
      await _samlIdentityProvider.SendSloAsync();

    return new EmptyResult();

I'm able to destroy the session at SP's end, but I'm not able to remove the IdP session (i'm thinking that

await _samlServiceProvider.InitiateSloAsync(idpPartnerName, sloResult.LogoutReason, sloResult.RelayState);

needs to trigger IdP session removal, being the 3rd step in attached proxy process).

Is something that I'm missing "protocol-wise"?

Annex (InitiateSloAsync method):

public async Task InitiateSloAsync(string partnerName, string logoutReason, string relayState)
      int num;
      if ((uint) num <= 5U)
        this.logger.LogDebug("Initiating SLO to the partner identity provider" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partnerName) ? "." : string.Format(" {0}.", (object) partnerName)), Array.Empty<object>());
        await this.LoadSamlStateAsync();
        await this.GetLocalSpConfigurationAsync();
        if (this.SamlState.ServiceProviderSessionState.PendingResponseState != null)
          this.logger.LogDebug(string.Format("The pending SAML action {0} is being overridden.", (object) this.SamlState.ServiceProviderSessionState.PendingResponseState.Action), Array.Empty<object>());
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partnerName) && this.SamlState.ServiceProviderSessionState.SsoSessions.Count == 1)
          IEnumerator<SsoSessionState> enumerator = this.SamlState.ServiceProviderSessionState.SsoSessions.Values.GetEnumerator();
          partnerName = enumerator.Current.PartnerName;
          enumerator = (IEnumerator<SsoSessionState>) null;
        await this.GetPartnerIdpConfigurationAsync(partnerName);
        if (this.partnerIdentityProviderConfiguration.DisableOutboundLogout)
          throw new SamlProtocolException(string.Format("Logout to the partner identity provider {0} is disabled.", (object) partnerName));
        XmlElement xmlElement = await this.CreateLogoutRequestAsync(logoutReason);
        XmlElement logoutRequestElement = xmlElement;
        xmlElement = (XmlElement) null;
        await this.SendLogoutRequestAsync(logoutRequestElement, relayState);
        SamlSubject.OnLogoutRequestSent(partnerName, logoutRequestElement, relayState);
        await this.SaveSamlStateAsync();
        this.logger.LogDebug(string.Format("Initiation of SLO to the partner identity provider {0} has completed successfully.", (object) partnerName), Array.Empty<object>());
        logoutRequestElement = (XmlElement) null;
      catch (Exception ex)
        this.logger.LogError((EventId) 101, ex, string.Format("Initiation of SLO to the partner identity provider {0} has failed.", (object) partnerName), Array.Empty<object>());

There are 1 best solutions below


As per ComponentSpace response listed here: the problem is related to not waiting a response from IdP.

As per current implementation InitiateSloAsync will only send a SLO request to IdP, but won't wait for a response.

// Send logout request to idp partner
await _samlServiceProvider.InitiateSloAsync(idpPartnerName, sloResult.LogoutReason, sloResult.RelayState);

// Respond to the SP-initiated SLO request indicating successful logout.
await _samlIdentityProvider.SendSloAsync();

The process is the following:

  1. Receive logout request from SP.
  2. Identify IdP.
  3. Send logout request to IdP.
  4. Receive logout response from IdP.
  5. Send logout response to SP.

Important: It might make sense to have different single logout service endpoints when acting as the identity provider versus service provider.

When you act as an IdP:

public async Task<IActionResult> SingleLogoutService()
  // Receive the single logout request or response.
  // If a request is received then single logout is being initiated by a partner service provider.
  // If a response is received then this is in response to single logout having been initiated by the identity provider.
  var sloResult = await _samlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSloAsync();

  if (sloResult.IsResponse)
    // Figure out IdP Partner Name 
    var idpPartnerName = _configuration["IdPPartnerName"];

    // Send logout request to idp partner
    await _samlServiceProvider.InitiateSloAsync(idpPartnerName, sloResult.LogoutReason, sloResult.RelayState);

  return new EmptyResult();

When you act as a SP:

public async Task<IActionResult> SingleLogoutService()
  // Receive the single logout request or response.
  // If a request is received then single logout is being initiated by the identity provider.
  // If a response is received then this is in response to single logout having been initiated by the service provider.
  var sloResult = await _samlServiceProvider.ReceiveSloAsync();

  if (sloResult.IsResponse)
    // Respond to the SP-initiated SLO request indicating successful logout.
    await _samlIdentityProvider.SendSloAsync();  

  return new EmptyResult();

P.S: Don't forget to update your SingleLogoutServiceUrl properties if you end up creating two different endpoints for handling logout.