images won't appears using imageBackground in react-native

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I would like to dynamically make an image appear on a "ImageBackground".

I have a JSON data file which it contains all the paths of the images.

I use a flatlist to use all the data from the data file and I use a custom component to format my visualization (integrated as item on the flatist).

My problem is that my images do not appears when I use the data from the JSON file, but when I use a static path, it's all ok.

What am I doing wrong? When I console.log my item.poster_path are correctly posted. It's probably something I don't do correctly on the

source={{uri: item.poster_path}} 

but I haven't found it by myself

// Helpers/filmsData.js

export default data = [
      id: 1,
      poster_path: "../Images/photo1.jpg",
      id: 181809,
      poster_path: "../Images/photo2.jpg",

// custom component Item import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, ImageBackground, Image, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';

class test extends React.Component {

     render() {

         return (
                 onPress={() => {(...)}}>

                     // source={require('../Images/photo1.jpg')} => Working OK
                     source={{uri: item.poster_path }} => Not Working




const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    event_content: {
        height: 120,
        margin: 1
     ImageBackground: {
         width: '100%',
         height: '100%'

 export default test

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