Implementing a glossary in Jekyll

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Am porting a doc site from Madcap Flare to GitHub Pages using Jekyll. One thing I'm wondering about is that is there a way of implementing an automatic glossary similar to Flare's:

In summary: I want to have a glossary file comprised of terms and definitions. Then if a term occurs in a topic, it automatically becomes a link or pop-up link to the definition.

If anyone has done this or knows a way to do it I would appreciate it.


There are 1 best solutions below


Yes, this is possible. Pop-over elements are also possible but I have chosen the link example.

This plugin can create links to the glossary:

module GlossaryData
  def glossary

module Jekyll
  class GlossaryLinkGenerator < Generator
    def generate(site)

      glossary_terms = {} do |entry|
        glossary_terms[entry['term'].downcase] = entry['definition']
        glossary_terms[entry['term']] = entry['definition']

      # pages 
      site.pages.each do |page|
        glossary_terms.each do |term, definition|

          page.content = page.content.gsub(term) do |match|
            "<a href='/glossary.html##{term}'>#{term}</a>"

      # posts do |post|
        glossary_terms.each do |term, definition|
          post.content = post.content.gsub(term) do |match|
            "<a href='/glossary.html##{term}'>#{term}</a>"

      # Notes

      # For all content, use site.documents instead of the two code blocks for posts and pages above
      # The site.documents attribute is an array of all the documents in your site, 
      # including pages, posts, and any other collections that you have defined in your configuration. 
      # You can use this attribute if you want to apply the glossary link generator to all types of documents in your site.
      # You can also use site.collections[COLLECTION_NAME].docs if you want to apply it to a specific collection of documents.
      # Just replace COLLECTION_NAME with the name of the collection you want to use.

      # You can also use site.collections['posts'].docs for the posts instead of site.posts.
      # site.collections is a hash of all the collections defined in your site's configuration, 
      # and each collection has a 'docs' attribute that returns an array of all the documents in the collection.
      # This is useful if you want to apply the glossary link generator to a collection other than 'posts', 
      # or if you want to apply it to multiple collections.


Define your glossary in _data/glossary.yml:

- term: Jekyll
  definition: A static site generator written in Ruby.
- term: Liquid
  definition: A template language used by Jekyll to generate dynamic content.
- term: Markdown
  definition: A lightweight markup language used to format plain text.

The test page to see that the glossary is working:

layout: post

jekyll or Jekyll? Both are matched due to downcasing.