I wrote the following function:

  <cffunction name="check_session_valid" returntype="boolean">
    <cfif NOT StructKeyExists(session,"username") OR (len(session.username) EQ 0)>
     <script>location.href = 'logout.cfm'</script>
    <cfset session.myApp_start = now()>  
    <cfreturn true>

In my .cfm page, I can call that function using

<cfset session_valid = application.lib.check_session_valid()>



What's the difference? Best practice?


There are 2 best solutions below


Since you asked about best practice, which is a matter of opinion, I think you can improve your function by having it returning either true or false depending on whether or not session.username exists and has a length greater than 0. Then you can use it like this:

<cfif application.lib.check_session_valid()>
code for this condition
<cflocation href = "logout.cfm">  
<!--- note that cfabort is not necessary --->

Regarding your specific question, I think the extra variable, session_valid, is a waste of typing. However, that is simply my opinion.

Not related to your question, I found it curious that you would direct users to a page called logout.cfm. Often users are directed to a page that allows them to log in.


To be honest, both are valid and both would be considered best practice depending on what you are trying to do.

My rule of thumb is if I will need to use the result of a function call more than once, I will set it to a variable

myResult = application.lib.check_session_valid();

If I will only need to use the variable once I would do what Dan mentioned

if( application.lib.check_session_valid() ){
    // Do stuff

The difference between the examples you showed are

<cfset session_valid = application.lib.check_session_valid()>

This will set the variable named session_valid to whatever is returned from the call to check_session_valid().


This will, in .cfm pages, simply render the value returned from the call to check_session_valid() assuming it is inside of a <cfoutput> tag. There are other places this would also render the value, such as inside a <cfsavecontent>.