include partial in nanoc [haml]

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I have this in my Rules file:

compile '/gallery/' do  
  filter :haml
  layout :'gallery'
compile '/' do  
  filter :haml
  layout :'default'
route '/gallery/' do  
route '*' do  
  item.identifier.chop + '.' +item[:extension]

, so now my content/index.html goes through haml filter and compiles as output/index.html all well and good. My content/gallery.html holds this code which also goes through haml:


    - @item.children.each do |img|  
      %a{:href => "#{img.path}"}  

    - @item.children.each do |img|  
      %a{:href => "#"}  
          %img{:src => "#{img.path(:rep => :thumbnail)}"}  
          %figcaption.img-caption Caption  

,it gathers some images in content/gallery/ folder and when I set routing to output/gallery/index.html(to see the preview output spit out) I do get what I want, so all well and good still.

But now I would like to use that generated code as partial in my content/index.html, however when I try to include it like =render 'gallery' I do not get my expected code. In turn I get error message LocalJumpError: no block given (yield).

What should be in my layouts/gallery.html file?, if I put there <%= yield %> I get the above error, If i remove =render 'gallery' there is no error,
But if I put some text in layouts/gallery.html and have again that =render 'gallery' in my index.html I get literally that text in layouts/gallery.html, so it gets included and without error. So should I <%= yield %> that gallery code I am expecting into layouts/gallery.html and then call =render 'gallery' from index.html?? But that does not work. Also that layouts/default.html already has its own yield which is working, and then I try to use that =render in item which would be compiled through that yield. Am i doing it wrong way? I am lost!

All of my layouts file are :erb filtered.

So my question would be how to include this partial. Thanks!


There are 2 best solutions below


After digging through the code I found another solution to this.

The render method is part of Helpers::Rendering, if you look at the source code you see that it calls filter_for_layout from the rules (github).

You therefore just need to add the following to your Rules file:

layout '/gallery/', :haml, encoding: 'utf-8'

That way as the gallery layout is rendered it will pass through the haml filter like the other layouts.


After some trying and erroring it seems that it should be done like this,

= items["/gallery/"].compiled_content

, if I put that into my content/index.html.haml file instead, I do get results which I expect, and my content/gallery.html.haml renders itself on that place. I am not yet shure, where would I use render for partials, and what is the difference in using that and this one I used here.