Incompatible shape issue with a mixture density network in tensorflow/keras

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I'm stuck on a problem while computing a mixture density network through keras (using tensorflow backends). The goal of this MDN is to learn a latent representation of an image (in order to implement the predictions of the MDN in an autoencoder). Then, I would like to model my input image as a multivariate normal distribution and get as network output a mu and sigma vector (of dimension 64 each), and a set of N weights alpha (where N is the number of components in the mixture). If I consider an output having a shape of 64 for each parameter everything works well but it makes no sense to get more alpha factors than components (that is a 64 dimension alpha in my case). When I try to specify to alpha to get a different shape than mu and sigma, some issues appear.

In order to get a covariance matrix to implement in the MixtureSameFamily module of tensorflow, I consider a diagonal matrix of the sigma vector. Then, I've found this loss function (a negative log-likelihood) on many forums and try to adapt it to my problem:

def slice_parameter_vectors(parameter_vector):
    return tf.split(parameter_vector,[1*components,64*components,64*components],axis=1)

def gnll_loss(y, parameter_vector):
    alpha, mu, sigma = slice_parameter_vectors(parameter_vector)  # Unpack parameter vectors

gm = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(
        scale_diag=  sigma))

    log_likelihood = gm.log_prob(tf.transpose(y))                 # Evaluate log-probability of y

    return -tf.reduce_mean(log_likelihood, axis=-1)

If I try to feed my network with some data and compile it, I alway have this error:

InvalidArgumentError: Incompatible shapes: [64,1,2] vs. [2,64]
     [[{{node loss_20/concatenate_6_loss/MultivariateNormalDiag/log_prob/affine_linear_operator/inverse/sub}} = Sub[T=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"](loss_20/concatenate_6_loss/MixtureSameFamily/log_prob/pad_sample_dims/Reshape, loss_20/concatenate_6_loss/split:1)]]
     [[{{node loss_20/mul/_4221}} = _Recv[client_terminated=false, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0", send_device_incarnation=1, tensor_name="edge_1846_loss_20/mul", tensor_type=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]()]]

64 is the dimension of the vector, and 2 is the batch-size. Using a batch-size of 1 works but giving me some NaN as a loss.

Here is how alpha, mu and sigma layers are built:

    fc    = Dense((no_parameters-1) * components*64 + components, activation="tanh", name="fc")(layer)
    alphas = Dense(1*components, activation="softmax", name="alphas")(fc)
    mus    = Dense(64*components, name="mus")(fc)
    sigmas = Dense(64*components, activation=nnelu, name="sigmas")(fc)
    pvec   = Concatenate(axis=1)([alphas,mus,sigmas])
    mdn    = Model(inputs=inputs,outputs=pvec)

Thus, the question is: is it possible to do that through tensorflow? Is there anybody else using this kind of networks here and could explain to me how to deal with the loss function?

Kind regards,



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