Indy 10 TIdSMTP Messaging in BCB 6

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In an application developed with Borland C++Builder 6, I am using TIdSMTP and TIdMessage to send email messages. Due to problems for external applications with the usual mail server in the configuration, I am defining the connection data through my Gmail account as follows:

Correo->From->Address           = "******@******.org";
Correo->ReplyTo->EMailAddresses = "******@******.org";
Correo->From->Name              = "*******";
Correo->Organization            = "*******";

Enviar->Host     = "";
Enviar->Password = "******";
Enviar->Port     = 465;
Enviar->Username = "******";
Enviar->UseTLS   = utUseImplicitTLS;

SSLIOHandler->Port               = 465;
SSLIOHandler->Host               = "";
SSLIOHandler->Destination        = "" + IntToStr(SSLIOHandler->Port);
SSLIOHandler->SSLOptions->Method = sslvTLSv1_2;
SSLIOHandler->SSLOptions->Mode   = sslmUnassigned;

The emails are sent without any problem, but I am checking that in addition to the copies that I send one to my Gmail address. I have verified that the Gmail address appears in the message headers in the Return-Path field.

I have been looking and, at least in Indy 10 for BCB 6, I have not found how to modify that field. How can I get copies to only reach the address indicated in the ReplyTo field of TIdMessage?


There are 1 best solutions below


The TIdMessage.ReplyTo property has no effect on the Return-Path header. The ReplyTo is only used for the Reply-To header, which recipients use to reply back to the sender. The Reply-To header is not used by the receiving SMTP server at all.

The Return-Path header is generated by the receiving SMTP server using the address specified in the sending client's SMTP MAIL FROM command. You can specify that address in the TIdMessage.Sender and TIdMessage.From properties (in that order), or by using one of the other overloaded TIdSMTP.Send() methods that has an AFrom parameter.