Info.plist not copied to DerivedData causes compilation error in Xcode

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I have a problem that cropped up quite recently with a project that has otherwise compiled and built just fine for over a year.

The error I receive is this:

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Unable to load contents of file list: '/Users/julian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxxxxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'

There are a couple of peculiar things here.

  1. First, my Info.plist is not named Info.plist. It is named RxInfo.plist and is indicated as such in the Build Settings Info plist File section.

Info.plist in Build Settings section

  1. Second, if I go to this directory path, there are no files there whatsoever. Empty directory. So, whatever build phase was attempting to copy the file there, did not do so. But, there is no error or warning of such a step failing.

  2. Third, if I copy my named plist file to that directory, change the name to Info.plist, everything works fine.

Bonkers, eh?

I've tried a variety of things. I've rebuilt after cleaning, I've deintegrated and then re-installed and re-built the Pods. I've gone to Legacy Build System and attempted that. I had a colleague attempt to build from scratch on their system and they had the precise same error. This all happens on Xcode 11.6. On a whim, I tried building with Xcode 12 beta and had the precise same results.

I'm not sure what to attempt next, to be honest. And dragging-and-dropping and renaming the plist file to that Derived Data directory goes against against everything I believe.

Suggestions are greatly appreciated!


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