inputting two variables to user in tasm 8086

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I am writing a program on tasm 8086 on windows xp to evaluate a Mathematical algebra that requires the user to input two variables x and y. Please how can I get the program to ask the user for Y after he inputs x ? this is what i've done so far;

stseg segment para stack "stack"
db 64 dup (' ')
stseg ends

dseg segment para public "data"
point db '.$'

masEnterx db 10,13,' Enter integer number(X): $'
masX db 10,13,' X=$'

masEntery db 10,13,' Enter integer number(Y): $'
masY db 10,13,' Y=$'

masExit db 10,13,'For exit press "enter" without input any symbols.',10,13,'$'

masAnswer db 10,13,'Z=$'

erro db 10,13,'Error! Invalid input.$'
first db 10,13,'Z(x,y)=1$'
secon db 10,13,'Z(x,y)=3*(X^2)$'
thir db 10,13,'z(x,y)=X/(2*Y)$'
fourt db 10, 13, 'Z(x,y)=(X^3)/Y$'

num dw -23567
num1 dw -23567

dump db 5,?, 5 dup ("*")
dseg ends
cseg segment para public "code"

main proc far

assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:stseg
push ds 
xor ax,ax
push ax
mov ax, dseg
mov ds,ax

lea dx, masExit
mov ah,9
int 21h
lea dx, masEnterX
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov num,0

xor bx, bx
mov bx, 0ah 

lea dx, dump + 1
mov cx, [si];
inc si
mov ch, 0
cmp byte ptr [si],"-";
je minus
cmp byte ptr [si], "+";
je minus
mov ax, [si]; unsigned data
cmp al, 13
je exitmy

cmp al, '0'; Validation of input
jl er
cmp al, '9'
ja er

sub al, 30h; conversion of 16-10
mov ah, 0
mov num, ax
xor ax, ax

There are 1 best solutions below


Please how can I get the program to ask the user for Y after he inputs x ?

You are not even doing an input into X!!! After displaying messages MasExit and MasEnterX you could write the following:

mov ah,0Ah
mov dx,temp
int 21h ; Buffered input

Your instruction lea dx, dump + 1 should be lea si, dump + 1
The rest of the code still needs much attention...