Inserting let to bind a local variable

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I'm working through Oleg Kiselyov's tutorial Reconciling Abstraction with High Performance: A MetaOCaml approach. One exercise (exercise 23) asks for a let-insertion to bind an array index access to a local variable. The function of question is vmult_ca, which generates code for multiplying arrays of complex numbers:

let vmult_ca : 
    (float_complex array -> float_complex array -> float_complex array -> unit)
    code =
 .<fun vout v1 v2 ->
    let n = Array.length vout in  
                                      (* vector representations *)
  .~(let vout = OVec (.<n>., fun i v -> 
       .<vout.(.~i) <- .~(of_code_complex v)>.) in
     let v1   = Vec  (.<n>., fun i -> 
       of_complex_code .<v1.(.~i)>.) in
     let v2   = Vec  (.<n>., fun i -> 
       of_complex_code .<v2.(.~i)>.) in
     let module V = VMULT(FloatCodeComplex)(VecDyn) in
     V.vmult vout v1 v2)

Where vout is the output vector that store the result. Vec (n, fun i -> v) is an abstract vector where n is the length and fun i -> v maps each index to a value. OVec (n, fun i v -> body) is an abstract "output vector" where n is the length and fun i v -> body runs on each index i and the associated output element v at i. of_complex_code converts a complex code value to a code complex value, e.g. .<{real=1.0, imag=0.0}>. to {real=.<1.0>., imag=.<0.0>.}. The module VMULT defines (point-wise) vector multiplication (see the code here for details).

When run, vmult_ca generates the following code:

val vmult_ca :
  (float_complex array -> float_complex array -> float_complex array -> unit)
  code = .<
  fun vout_4  ->
    fun v1_5  ->
      fun v2_6  ->
        let n_7 = Array.length vout_4  in
        for i_8 = 0 to n_7 - 1 do
          vout_4.(i_8) <-
                (((v1_5.(i_8)) *. (v2_6.(i_8)) +.
                   ((v1_5.(i_8)) *. (v2_6.(i_8));
                (((v1_5.(i_8)) *. (v2_6.(i_8)) -.
                   ((v1_5.(i_8)) *. (v2_6.(i_8))

Note v1_5.(i_8) is repeated 4 times. The challenge is to insert a let somewhere in vmult_ca to bind v1_5.(i_8) to a local variable to avoid the repetition. I was able to "cheat" by simply calling genlet on .<v1.(~i)>., but I have no clue where to insert the let without genlet; any hint would be appreciated.


There are 1 best solutions below


Let-insertion is a primitive operation in BER, that automatically binds the passed code to a freshly generated variable.

Here is a working example, suppose you have the code that returns a square of an array element,

let power_elt xs i = xs.(i) * xs.(i)

and we want to generate an optimized code that has only one array access

let power_elt xs i = let x = xs.(i) in x*x

In the MetaOCaml style we can use genlet for that

let power_elt xs i =
  let x = genlet .<xs.(i)>. in 
  .<.~x * .~x>.

The generated code for

 let t = power_elt [|1;2;3|] 1;;

will be

 val t : int code = .<let lv_8 = Stdlib.Array.get (* CSP xs *) 1 in lv_8 * lv_8>.