Insertion of POSTGIS datatypes into PostgresDB using Python SQLAlchemy

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I am trying to insert POSTGIS values for Linestring, Polygon and other data types into postgres DB using SQLalchemy and came across these errors:

This is the Schema of the table created using postgres db commands:

                 Table "public.test"
    Column    |           Type            | Modifiers 
 name         | text                      | 
 wkb_geometry | geometry(LineString,4326) | 

The schema for the postgres table has been already created using DDL statements.

I have tried inserting the gml values from a xml using psycopg2 and it was getting inserted successfully using the below:

wkb_geometry_value = """<gml:LineString xmlns:gml="" xmlns="urn:hera:xml:ns:DataTypes:2.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:hera-drex="urn:hera:xml:ns:exchange:2.0" xmlns:hera-sgftad="urn:hera:xml:ns:sft:2.0" xmlns:hera-rifdt="urn:hera:xml:nsftypes:2.0" xmlns:wfs=" " xmlns:gb="" xmlns:georss="http://www.opengis.netgeorss"><gml:posList>34.216 -210.54 34.46 -119.4 34.65 -139.84</gml:posList>\</gml:LineString>"""

sql = INSERT INTO test('name','wkb_geometry)VALUES('BOB', ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGML('{}',4326)))

Output --> Successfully inserted

But when I use the below it fails using sqlalchemy and geoalchemy

import sqlalchemy                                                           
from sqlalchemy import create_engine            
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import inspect 

sql = """INSERT INTO test (name, wkb_geometry) VALUES ('{}', ST_GeomFromEWKT('{}'))""".format('BOB', wkb_geometry_value)
engine = create_engine('postgresql://username:password@localhost/dbname')

 with engine.connect() as con:
    rs = con.execute(sql)

Output ==> InternalError: (psycopg2.InternalError) parse error - invalid geometry

How can I insert the GIS datatypes into PostgresDB using SQLalchemy and geoalchemy.

Any help would be appreciated Thanks!!!! I


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