Installation of ndnSIM 2.0 (Name Data Networking)

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I am trying to install ndnSIM 2.0 Link on Ubuntu 12.04. I have followed all the instructions mentioned Link 2.

When I run ./waf configure while in ndn-cxx folder I get the following error

Checking if CryptoPP library works: yes
Checking boost includes: 1.57.0
Checking boost libs: lib system not found in /usr/lib
The configuration failed
(complete log in /home/rani/Desktop/ndnSIM/ndn-cxx/build/config.log)

Do I need to install some more libraries or there is some link problem as Boost Library(1.57) is installed in /usr/local/lib? I have even followed the FAQ!


There are 2 best solutions below


So ./waf cannot find the boost libs. Please check where the boost libs have been installed, most probably they are in /usr/local/lib in which case simply issue:

./waf configure --boost-libs=/usr/local/lib (instead of just ./waf configure).

You can ask any questions at their mailing list.


first of all, the error you got refers to ndn-cxx, which is our library, not ndnSIM itself.

This error indicates that your installed boost libraries could not be found by ndn-cxx.

Please make sure that you installed the boost libraries correctly and then search for the directory, where they were installed.

Typically, the boost libraries are installed under the /usr/lib directory. If your boost libraries have been installed somewhere else, you may use the following option to indicate the specific directory and configure ndn-cxx:

./waf configure --boost-libs=