Installing Obelisk-OAuth

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I am trying to add Obelisk-OAuth to my project:

At this instruction I am stuck:

Your backend route encoder should handle this case:
  pathComponentEncoder $ \case
    BackendRoute_OAuth -> PathSegment "oauth" oauthRouteEncoder

The only thing that I see similar in my Obelisk project is:

backend :: Backend BackendRoute FrontendRoute
backend = Backend
  { _backend_run = \serve -> serve $ const $ return ()
  , _backend_routeEncoder = fullRouteEncoder

From Backend.hs.

But this does not seem like the correct location.

Has anyone encountered this before? Where do I insert that pathComponentEncoder $ \case expression?


There are 1 best solutions below


fullRouteEncoder is defined in common/src/Common/Route.hs.

All routes are defined in the "common" package (which is shared between the frontend and the backend). This is where you would inject the oauth routes. The file you quoted above is Backend.hs, which uses fullRouteEncoder defined in common.