I want to install a TeamCity Build Agent as a user. When entering my user credentials here:

enter image description here

I always get this error:

enter image description here

NOTE: My account (user) is an administrator with full permission!

How can I do this?


There are 3 best solutions below


The error message says it does not have "enough rights to run as a service",
this is slightly different from just being an administrator.

  1. Go to Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Local Security Policy.
  2. Select Local Policies> User Rights Assignment.
  3. Scroll down through the list of policies and look for Log on as a service.
  4. Add the account you're using to the list of accounts with this right.

That should in theory be all you need to allow the service to run under that user.


The best powershell command that I have found for this is:

Grant-Privilege -Identity $SERVICE_USERNAME -Privilege SeServiceLogonRight

Requires use of the Carbon framework.


I'm a Windows 10 Home user and the steps above did not work for me, but the following did:

  1. Enable gpedit.msc by running the batch file as explained here under Method 1: https://www.askvg.com/how-to-enable-group-policy-editor-gpedit-msc-in-windows-7-home-premium-home-basic-and-starter-editions/
  2. Run gpedit.msc enter image description here
  3. Go to Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / User Rights Assignment enter image description here
  4. Double-click Log on as a service
  5. On the window that appears, click Add User or Group... enter image description here
  6. Enter your username and click the Check Names button enter image description here
  7. Your name will be modified, adding the machine name as the prefix. Click OK enter image description here
  8. Click OK on the Log on as a service Properties window to apply the change. enter image description here

It is a little bit of a pain, but after doing that, I was able to continue installing TeamCity