I'm creating a basic MSI installshield 2014 project. I've added a custom action which calls a public method present in a managed .Net assembly (MyCSharpAssembly.dll). Now my managed dll in turn calls a method present in an unamanged/native assembly (MyUnamanagedCPlusPlusAssembly.dll) written in C++. I used DllImport methodology to load the native assembly at run time.

I added the native dlls into support files ( [SUPPORTDIR]) based on the accepted answer of this thread. I also see those native assemblies getting copied in the temporary working directory of installshield when I run the MSI output. Still, it doesn't work? When installer runs I simply get following error in the logs-

Failed to load assembly. Dll not found.

This essentially means CLR/.net run-time is unable to see the native assembly dlls at run time. Does anyone have any idea on to specifically load native dll dependencies during installation process?


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