Intellij cant resolve tagsoup namespace even if maven dependency added

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I had a problem with TagSoup in one of my projects: even if I added maven dependency to pom, IntelliJ 13 Ultimate would still shout that it can't resolve namespace org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser (pointing at "ccil" bit).
So I have created a new, empty Maven project, and added 2 dependencies to it: saxon9 and tagsoup1.2.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



And created simple class:

public class MavenExperiment {

    net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl impl;
    org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser pars;

The outcome:

  • both saxon and tagsoup are being downloaded to my local repo
  • it builds in the terminal (mvn clean install)
  • in IntelliJ the saxon stuff is being resolved alright
  • in IntelliJ the tagsoup stuff is still throwing up on the "ccil" part of the namespace with error "cannot resolve symbol"
  • won't build in IntelliJ because of the above error

Any ideas? Am I missing some kind of dependency for tagsoup (certainly can't see anything on the tagsoup website about such dependency)? Thanks.


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