Intellij Grammar Kit - indent based language

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I'm creating a language using the Intellij IDEA Grammar-Kit plugin, and would like the blocks to be indent-based, rather than brace based. The only way I've found to do this so far is to use the <<indent ...>> function from

I have minimized the code from that link to:

package org.intellij.sdk.language;

import com.intellij.lang.LighterASTNode;
import com.intellij.lang.PsiBuilder;
import com.intellij.lang.PsiParser;
import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl;
import com.intellij.lang.parser.GeneratedParserUtilBase;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key;
import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
import com.intellij.util.containers.IntIntHashMap;


public class SPPParserUtil extends GeneratedParserUtilBase {
    private static class ParserState {
        enum PrimaryMode {

        private PsiBuilder builder;
        private int currentIndent = 0;
        private int pragmaCount = 0;
        private PrimaryMode primaryMode = PrimaryMode.NORMAL;
        private int semiStmtListCount = 0;

        private IntIntHashMap tokIndentCache = new IntIntHashMap();

        ParserState(PsiBuilder builder) {
            this.builder = builder;

        private String getPrecedingWhiteSpace() {
            int wsOffset = 0;
            while (builder.rawLookup(wsOffset - 1) == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE)
            int wsStart = builder.rawTokenTypeStart(wsOffset);
            return builder.getOriginalText().subSequence(wsStart, builder.getCurrentOffset()).toString();

        int getTokenIndent() {
            int tokStart = builder.getCurrentOffset();
            if (tokIndentCache.containsKey(tokStart))
                return tokIndentCache.get(tokStart);

            int indent = -1;
            String ws = getPrecedingWhiteSpace();
            int nlPos = ws.lastIndexOf('\n');
            if (nlPos != -1)
                indent = ws.length() - nlPos - 1;
            tokIndentCache.put(tokStart, indent);
            return indent;

    private static Key<ParserState> parserStateKey = new Key<>("parser-state");

    private static ParserState getParserState(PsiBuilder builder) {
        return builder.getUserData(parserStateKey);

    public static boolean indented(PsiBuilder builder, int level, Parser parser) {
        ParserState state = getParserState(builder);
        int tokIndent = state.getTokenIndent();
        if (tokIndent > state.currentIndent) {
            int prevIndent = state.currentIndent;
            state.currentIndent = tokIndent;
            boolean result = parser.parse(builder, level + 1);
            state.currentIndent = prevIndent;
            return result;
        return false;

saved as

This is my minimal BNF so far:


        TK_DOT = '.'
        TK_ARROW = '->'
        TK_STAR = '*'
        TK_COLON = ':'

        KW_FILE = 'file'
        KW_IMPORT = 'import'

        TK_EOL = 'regexp:[\n|\r]*'
        TK_IDENTIFIERS = 'regexp:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(,\s+[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*'
        TK_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER = 'regexp:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*'
        TK_SPACE = 'regexp:\s+'

root ::= Program

Program ::=
    ProgramContents <<eof>>
ProgramContents ::=
    FileDefinition ImportBlock? TK_EOL

FileDefinition ::=
    KW_FILE TK_SPACE ScopedIdentifier TK_EOL

ImportLocation ::=
    TK_DOT* ScopedIdentifier
ImportDefinition ::=
    ImportLocation TK_SPACE TK_ARROW TK_SPACE (Identifiers | TK_STAR) TK_EOL
ImportBlock ::=
    KW_IMPORT TK_COLON <<indented ImportDefinition+>>

ScopedIdentifier ::=
Identifiers ::=

Here is some example code that should pass:

file src.classes.class1

    src.classes.class2 -> class2, e2
    src.classes.class3 -> class3, e3
    src.classes.class4 -> *

However, whenever I try to use <<indent ...>> in my BNF there is always an error: The error described is ':' expected, got ':', on the colon following "import". Basically whatever is before the <<indent ...>> seems to be consumed by the <<indent ...>>. How would I change the BNF / use of the ParseUtil to fix this?


I changed the indented function to always return true, and not use any of the other Java code and the error persists; this implies that the issue isn't with the Java code but maybe how I'm calling it in the BNF file?


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