Intermittent SSLPeerUnverifiedException thrown from RestAssured within Cucumber test

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We have a couple of Cucumber test scenarios, which use RestAssured framework for hitting HTTPS endpoints. When we run the entire suite of scenarios, we face intermittent " peer not authenticated" exceptions thrown from the the following line of code

Response response = given().log().all().headers(headers).contentType(ContentType.JSON) .with().body(somebody).put(path, testId);

This is an intermittent issue, observed both in IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 and from Terminal, on Mac OSX. We are using Jayway RestAssured v2.3.2 on a gradle build.

The server we are hitting has a self-signed certificate, and we tried the following:

1) Adding the certificate to the Mac Keychain manually - still intermittent

2) Using useRelaxedHTTPSValidation() as mentioned here - still intermittent

3) Using the following in the code

RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config().sslConfig(sslConfig().allowAllHostnames());

from the same blog post - all tests fail with the above exception consistently

Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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