Interpolate and insert missing rows into dataframe R

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I am working with a large time series of oceanographic data which needs a lot of manipulation. I have several days of data missing and would like to interpolate them. Specifically date/depth/temperature. Here is an example of my df:

> tibble(df)
# A tibble: 351,685 x 9
   date       time     depthR    SV  temp salinity conduct density calcSV
   <date>     <times>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 2021-11-17 07:50:18   0.5 1524.  19.7     37.8    51.0    27    1524.
 2 2021-11-17 07:50:22   0.5 1524.  19.9     37.6    50.9    26.8  1524.
 3 2021-11-17 07:50:23   1.1 1524.  19.9     37.6    50.9    26.8  1524.
 4 2021-11-17 07:50:24   1.5 1524.  19.9     37.6    50.9    26.8  1524.
 5 2021-11-17 07:50:25   2   1524.  19.9     37.6    50.9    26.8  1524.

Each date contains over 1000 lines of data and so my idea was to find the max depth of each day to therefore interpolate reasonable max depth values for the missing days between. So far, I have found the max depth per date:

group <- df %>% group_by(date) %>% summarise(max =max(depthR, na.rm=TRUE))
> tibble(group)
# A tibble: 40 x 2
   date         max
   <date>     <dbl>
 1 2021-11-17 685. 
 2 2021-11-18 695. 
 3 2021-11-19 136. 
 4 2021-11-20 138. 
 5 2021-11-21 142. 
 6 2021-11-22  26  
 7 2021-11-23 136. 
 8 2021-11-24 297. 
 9 2021-11-25 613. 
10 2021-11-26  81.1
# ... with 30 more rows

And then I managed to interpolate the missing dates by:

> group <- seq(min(group$date), max(group$date), by = "1 day")
> group <- data.frame(date=group)
> tibble(group)
# A tibble: 69 x 1
 1 2021-11-17
 2 2021-11-18
 3 2021-11-19
 4 2021-11-20
 5 2021-11-21
 6 2021-11-22
 7 2021-11-23
 8 2021-11-24
 9 2021-11-25
10 2021-11-26
# ... with 59 more rows

As you can see, the previous query was overwritten. So I tried creating a new df for the interpolated dates and tried merging them together. I got the error:

> library(stringr)
> group$combined <-  str_c(group$date, '', dateinterp$date)
Error: Assigned data `str_c(group$date, "", dateinterp$date)` must be compatible with existing data.
x Existing data has 40 rows.
x Assigned data has 69 rows.
i Only vectors of size 1 are recycled.

How can I insert these two matrices of differing length into the dataframe in chronological order without overwriting original data or conflicting? Following that, I'm not sure how I would proceed to interpolate the depths and temperatures for each date. Perhaps starting with something like the following:

depth = seq(1, 200, length.out = 100))

Eventually the date variable will be exchanged for geo coords. Any advice greatly appreciated.

EDIT: As requested by @AndreaM, an example of my data:

> dput(head(df))
structure(list(date = structure(c(18948, 18948, 18948, 18948, 
18948, 18948), class = "Date"), time = structure(c(0.326597222222222, 
0.326643518518519, 0.326655092592593, 0.326666666666667, 0.326678240740741, 
0.326712962962963), format = "h:m:s", class = "times"), depth = c(0.5, 
0.5, 1.1, 1.5, 2, 2.5), SV = c(1524.024, 1524.026, 1524.025, 
1524.008, 1524.016, 1524.084), temp = c(19.697, 19.864, 19.852, 
19.854, 19.856, 19.847), salinity = c(37.823, 37.561, 37.557, 
37.568, 37.573, 37.704), conduct = c(51.012, 50.878, 50.86, 50.876, 
50.884, 51.032), density = c(27, 26.755, 26.758, 26.768, 26.773, 
26.877), calcSV = c(1523.811, 1523.978, 1523.949, 1523.975, 1523.993, 
1524.124)), row.names = 100838:100843, class = "data.frame")

There are 1 best solutions below


one approach, adapt to your case as appropriate:

library(lubridate) ## facilitates date-time manipulations

## example data:
patchy_data <- data.frame(date = as.Date('2021-11-01') + sample(1:10, 6),
                          value = rnorm(12)) %>%

## create vector of -only!- missing dates:
missing_dates <- 
        seq.Date(from = min(patchy_data$date),
                 to = max(patchy_data$date),
                 by = '1 day'
    ) %>% as.Date(origin = '1970-01-01')

## extend initial dataframe with rows per missing date:
full_data <-
    patchy_data %>%
        bind_rows(data.frame(date = missing_dates,
                             value = NA)
                  ) %>%

## group by month and impute missing data from monthwise statistic:
full_data %>%
    mutate(month = lubridate::month(date)) %>%
    group_by(month) %>%
    ## coalesce conveniently replaces ifelse-constructs to replace NAs
    mutate(imputed = coalesce(.$value, mean(.$value, na.rm = TRUE)))

edit One possibility to granulate generated data (missing dates) with additional parameters (e. g. measuring depths) is to use expand.grid as follows. Assuming object names from previous code:

## depths of daily measurements:
observation_depths <- c(0.5, 1.1, 1.5) ## example

## generate dataframe with missing dates x depths:
missing_dates_and_depths  <- 
    setNames(expand.grid(missing_dates, observation_depths),

## stack both dataframes as above:
full_data <-
    patchy_data %>%
        bind_rows(missing_dates_and_depths) %>%