Invalid_Nonce authenticating on Google Script

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For private endpoints of, I am getting the error:

{ id: xx,
  method: 'private/get-order-detail',
  code: 10007,
  message: 'INVALID_NONCE' }

for the following code:

function getOrderStatus() {
  var nonce = Math.floor(new Date().setSeconds(new Date().getSeconds() - 10) / 1000);
  nonce += 1; // Increment nonce for each request, is this the increase?
  var payload = {
    "id": orderId,
    "method": "private/get-order-detail",
    "params": {
      "order_id": orderId
    "nonce": nonce
  var payloadString = JSON.stringify(payload);
  var signature = Utilities.computeHmacSha256Signature(payloadString, secretKey);
  var signatureHex = Utilities.base64Encode(signature).toString();
  var headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "API-Key": apiKey,
    "Signature": signatureHex,
    "Timestamp": nonce
  var options = {
    "method": "post",
    "headers": headers,
    "payload": payloadString,
    "muteHttpExceptions": true
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", options);
  var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  return data;

From my understanding, the nonce value needs to be increasing on every request?


There are 1 best solutions below


When I saw the official document of Spot Exchange V2.1 API for Exchange reference documentation,

nonce long Y Current timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch)

It seems that the sample value of nonce is 1587846358253.

When I saw your script using new Date('2020-04-26T05:25:58.253Z'), 1587878748 is returned as nonce. And, the document says about code: 10007, as 10007 400 INVALID_NONCE Nonce value differs by more than 30 seconds from server.

If my understanding is correct, I thought that this might be the reason for your current issue. If my understanding is correct, how about the following modification?


var nonce = Math.floor(new Date().setSeconds(new Date().getSeconds() - 10) / 1000);


var nonce = new Date().setSeconds(new Date().getSeconds() - 10);


var nonce = new Date().getTime();


var nonce = new Date().getTime().toString();


  • In this answer, it supposes that your other part except for nonce correctly works for using the API you want to use. Please be careful about this.



From your following reply,

with the change it gives a permission error code: 10002, message: 'UNAUTHORIZED' }. I know the API keys are correct.

I could confirm that your issue of nonce in your question was resolved. And also, I confirmed that your other part script except for nonce was not correct, and, this is your new issue. In this case, I think that it is required to modify your request. I think that your issue of nonce of this question can be resolved by my answer. So, how about modifying your request as follows?

Modified script:

The function signRequest is from

function myFunction() {
  // Please set your valid values.
  const nonce = new Date().getTime();
  const id = "###"; // Please set your ID.
  const orderId = "###"; // Please set your order ID.
  const apiKey = "###"; // Please set your API key.
  const apiSecret = "###"; // Please set your secret.

  const signRequest = (request_body, api_key, secret) => {
    const { id, method, params, nonce } = request_body;
    function isObject(obj) { return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Object; }
    function isArray(obj) { return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Array; }
    function arrayToString(obj) { return obj.reduce((a, b) => { return a + (isObject(b) ? objectToString(b) : (isArray(b) ? arrayToString(b) : b)); }, ""); }
    function objectToString(obj) { return (obj == null ? "" : Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce((a, b) => { return a + b + (isArray(obj[b]) ? arrayToString(obj[b]) : (isObject(obj[b]) ? objectToString(obj[b]) : obj[b])); }, "")); }
    const paramsString = objectToString(params);
    const sigPayload = method + id + api_key + paramsString + nonce;
    request_body.sig = Utilities.computeHmacSha256Signature(sigPayload, secret).map(byte => ('0' + (byte & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
    return request_body;

  let request = {
    id: id,
    method: "private/get-order-detail",
    api_key: apiKey,
    params: { order_id: orderId },
    nonce: nonce,
  const requestBody = JSON.stringify(signRequest(request, apiKey, apiSecret));
  const options = {
    method: "post",
    contentType: "application/json",
    payload: requestBody,

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", options);
  var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  return data;