iOS crash log is only partially symbolicated

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Here's the issue. I have the .xarchive with all the DSYMs but for whatever reason using symbolicatecrash or xcode is only converting some of the symbols to lines while leaving other ones unconverted. Any ideas? I'm using xCode 4.3.2 on OS X Lion.

For example, from a crash log from the appstore
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x37f0e628 _semwait_signal + 24
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x33d66b1a nanosleep
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x33d71608 sleep
3 AudioToolbox 0x362b7abc AudioQueueNew(bool, AudioStreamBasicDescription const*, TCACallback const&, CACallbackTarget const&, unsigned long, OpaqueAudioQueue*)
4 AudioToolbox 0x362b77da AudioQueueNewOutput
5 AVFoundation 0x359b718e allocAudioQueue(AVAudioPlayer*, AudioPlayerImpl*)
6 AVFoundation 0x359b54b4 prepareToPlayQueue(AVAudioPlayer*, AudioPlayerImpl*)
7 AVFoundation 0x359b5a3c playQueue(AVAudioPlayer*, AudioPlayerImpl*, AudioTimeStamp const*)
8 AVFoundation 0x359b58d2 -[AVAudioPlayer play]
9 APP_ 0x00049ffe 0x00049ffe
10 APP_ 0x0004fbfe 0x0004fbfe
11 APP_ 0x00051b9a 0x00051b9a
12 APP_ 0x00016462 0x00016462

13 Foundation 0x3704f92c _NSFireDelayedPerform
15 CoreFoundation 0x3156a692 _CFRunLoopDoTimer
16 CoreFoundation 0x31569268 CFRunLoopRun + 1200
17 CoreFoundation 0x314ec49e CFRunLoopRunSpecific
18 CoreFoundation 0x314ec366 CFRunLoopRunInMode
19 GraphicsServices 0x329c5432 GSEventRunModal
20 UIKit 0x317f1cce UIApplicationMain
21 APP
0x000032c0 0x000032c0
22 APP_ 0x00003270 0x00003270

Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x37f0e628 _semwait_signal + 24
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x33d66b1a nanosleep + 138
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x33d71608 sleep + 40
3 AudioToolbox 0x362b7abc _ZL13AudioQueueNewbPK27AudioStreamBasicDescriptionRK11TCACallbackIPvS3_ERK16CACallbackTargetmPP16OpaqueAudioQueue + 680
4 AudioToolbox 0x362b77da AudioQueueNewOutput + 126
5 AVFoundation 0x359b718e _ZL15allocAudioQueueP13AVAudioPlayerP15AudioPlayerImpl + 86
6 AVFoundation 0x359b54b4 _ZL18prepareToPlayQueueP13AVAudioPlayerP15AudioPlayerImpl + 20
7 AVFoundation 0x359b5a3c ZL9playQueueP13AVAudioPlayerP15AudioPlayerImplPK14AudioTimeStamp + 184
8 AVFoundation 0x359b58d2 -[AVAudioPlayer play] + 162
0x00049ffe 0x00049ffe
10 APP_ 0x0004fbfe 0x0004fbfe
11 APP_ 0x00051b9a 0x00051b9a
12 APP_ 0x00016462 -[BackpackSetupViewController scenario] (BackpackSetupViewController.m:167)

13 Foundation 0x3704f92c _NSFireDelayedPerform + 408
15 CoreFoundation 0x3156a692 _CFRunLoopDoTimer + 358
16 CoreFoundation 0x31569268 CFRunLoopRun + 1200
17 CoreFoundation 0x314ec49e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 294
18 CoreFoundation 0x314ec366 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 98
19 GraphicsServices 0x329c5432 GSEventRunModal + 130
20 UIKit 0x317f1cce UIApplicationMain + 1074
21 APP
0x000032c0 main (main.m:14)
22 APP_ 0x00003270 0x00003270


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