ios TDD with Kiwi, OCHamcrest and OCMockiti, can they be mixed?

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Has anyone successfully got OCHamcrest working with Kiwi? I have started a Kiwi project then I added OCHamcrest framework and got a successful build.

However when I tried to assert a condition in my Kiwi test file using hamcrest:

    it(@"has 3 elements.", ^{
         assertThat(stack, hasCountOf(3));  <------ this line is in hamcrest format
    //            [[stack should] haveCountOf:3];


my test would not run. It just froze and I had to kill it manually.

Mainly I want to stick to OCMockito as I am familiar with it and love it (not so much about OCHamcrest).

I was wondering if anyone can help me with this?


There are 1 best solutions below


This was a Kiwi bug. It should be fixed now.