I don't know how to solve this issue I have the following relationship
user has -> many posts
one posts has -> many comments
one comment has-> one user (owner)
I keep reading this argument by database designers, that this is how it shouldn't be done, but I never read any solutions to these issues, example:
This month, instead of starting with an idea and creating a model to support the concept, I'll analyze a poor design construct: a situation I call the circular reference. A circular reference is a recursive condition in which one table references a second table, which in turn references the first table.
Is it okay to have a circular reference in this case?
I agree with the comment from @DavidAldridge:
I edited the image in the question to help explain what the comment is indicating:
As far as circular references in databases go, you can build them and simple queries and updates will work, but once you need more complex joins you end up creating variations of Cartesian joins and quickly consume a lot of memory and the query results might never come back.
A circular reference is not the same as a self-referencing relationship. Self-referencing tables are a common sight in database design. You can find a simple example here on Self-Referencing Tables or a full tutorial on all Reference Types including Self-Reference.