Is it possible to get all the eigenclasses in Ruby?

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Getting a list of all modules is easy in Ruby:


However, is it possible to get a list of all eigenclasses (also known as singleton classes or metaclasses)? Or are eigenclasses invisible?

I tried

str = "foo"
my_metaclass = class << str; self; end
my_metaclass.class == Class # my_metaclass' class is Class
ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).include?(my_metaclass) # false
ObjectSpace.each_object.include?(my_metaclass) # still false
# Just to show each_object works
ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).include?(String) # true

I'm trying to get eigenclasses because I'm wanting to list all the methods that are defined within a script. I could look for all the instance methods defined by modules and classes, and then look for singleton methods of modules and classes (or of all objects, if I want to chew up CPU), but that seems a little hackish.


There are 3 best solutions below


I doubt this is what you want, but it should return all eigenclasses:

eigens = ObjectSpace.each_object.collect { |obj| class << obj; self; end }

That will indeed assign an array of all the eigenclasses to the variable eigens. The thing is, Ruby implementations likely don't actually create an eigenclass unless there is a need for it, and this code (I believe) will actually create the eigen classes even for the objects where one wasn't needed.

If finding a better way is important, I'd tweet the question to one of the implementors of any of the Ruby implementations (@yukihiro_matz, @evanphx, @headius to name a few that come to mind). If anybody would know, they would.


If you mean objects that have singleton methods, this should work.

eigens = []
ObjectSpace.each_object do |object|
  eigens << object unless object.singleton_methods.empty?

If not, could you clarify? I used this discussion as a reference:


As of MRI 1.9, eigenclass enumeration does NOT seem to be supported. As a (semi-)consequence, there is no 100%-reliable way to iterate over all methods. The best approximation for an overall method enumerator is as follows

methods = []

ObjectSpace.each_object { |x|
  if x.kind_of?(Module)
    methods += x.public_instance_methods(false) +
               x.protected_instance_methods(false) +
  methods +=   x.singleton_methods(false)

However, this code will NOT enumerate

  • private methods owned by 1st eigenclasses,
  • methods owned by 2nd, 3rd, ... eigenclasses.