Is it possible to use assembly code with gomobile?

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I've been experimenting to use assembly code inside the library that I'm going to run on Android platform using gomobile.

TEXT gotomobile·sum(SB),4,$0
MOVW    arg1+0(FP), R14
MOVW    arg2+4(FP), R13
ADD     R15, R14, R13
MOVW    R13, ret+8(FP)

So far it is successfully compiling and it is even complaining if I make any mistake on assembly code but the function definition I pass won't seem to shown on exported jar,

    package gotomobile

import "fmt"

func sum(arg1, arg2 int32) int32

func add() {
    result := sum(3, 4)

func Test() {
    add() // Tried it like so to try even to suppress function unused warning.

func TestWRet() string {
    return "Hello from go"

and if I call Test(); function on Java I'm getting this error:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "" referenced by "/data/app/com.example.myapplication-tphaYUXt9nWES8ofkOKnCw==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/"...

So I've been wondering is it possible to use assembly with gomobile ?


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