Is Snomed Integration For AWS Medical Comprehend Actually Working?

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According to a recent update, the AWS medical comprehend service should now be returning snomed categories along with other medical terms.

I am running this in a Python 3.9 Lambda:

import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    clinical_note = "Patient X was diagnosed with insomnia."
    import boto3
    cm_client = boto3.client("comprehendmedical")
    response = cm_client.infer_snomedct(Text=clinical_note)
    print (response)

I get the following response:

  "errorMessage": "'ComprehendMedical' object has no attribute 'infer_snomedct'",
  "errorType": "AttributeError",
  "requestId": "560f1d3c-800a-46b6-a674-e0c3c3cc719f",
  "stackTrace": [
    "  File \"/var/task/\", line 7, in lambda_handler\n    response = cm_client.infer_snomedct(Text=clinical_note)\n",
    "  File \"/var/runtime/botocore/\", line 643, in __getattr__\n    raise AttributeError(\n"

So either I am missing something (probably something obvious) or maybe the method is not actually available yet? Anything to set me on the right path would be welcome.


There are 1 best solutions below


This is most likely due to the default Boto3 version being out of date on my lambda.