Is there a tutorial about giza++?

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The Urls in its 'readme' file is not valid ( and Is there a good tutorial about giza++? Or is there some alternatives that have complete documentation?


There are 5 best solutions below


The following is excerpted from a tutorial I'm putting together for a class. (NB: This assumes you have successfully installed GIZA++-v2 on a *nix system.)

  1. Start with two data files containing parallel sentences that have been tokenized, one sentence per line. For example, a pair of parallel English-French files might read as follows.

Sample 1 - train.en

I gave him the book . 
He read the book . 
He loved the book .

Sample 2 -

Je lui ai donne/ le livre .
Il a lu le livre .
Il aimait le livre .
  1. Run these files through plain2snt.out to get target and source vocabulary files (*.vcb) as well as a sentence pair file (*.snt).

From the GIZA++ directory, run:

./plain2snt.out TEXT1 TEXT2

where TEXT1 and TEXT2 are the data files described in step 1.

This produces four files in the same directory as TEXT1 and TEXT2 (assuming they are in the same directory):

  • TEXT1_TEXT2.snt
  • TEXT1.vcb
  • TEXT2_TEXT1.snt
  • TEXT2.vcb

The vocab files contain a unique (integer) ID for each word in the text (NB: not tokenized/lemmatized), the word/string, and the number of times that string occurred. These are separated by a single space character.

The sentence files contain numbers. For each sentence pair, there are three lines: the first is a count of the number of times that sentence pair occurs in the corpus and the second and third are a string of (space-separated) numbers corresponding to the entries for words in the vocab files. Based on the naming convention for *.snt files, the first file is assumed to be the source, and the second is assumed to be the target language. For example, in the file TEXT1_TEXT2.snt, the first line will be a count of the number of times the first sentence-pair occurred in the corpus, the second line will be a string of numbers corresponding to words in the TEXT1.vcb file, and the third line will be a string of numbers corresponding to words in the TEXT2.vcb file.

  1. Now TEXT1.vcb, TEXT2.vcb, and either of the two *.snt files can be used as input to GIZA++ to produce an alignment.

For example:

./GIZA++ -s TEXT1.vcb -t TEXT2.vcb -c TEXT1_TEXT2.snt

But note that when I tried to run this, I had to rename TEXT1_TEXT2.snt to something without an underscore in the name in order to get any proper output.


This Powerpoint tutorial worked for me:


There is a supplemental explanation of how to format input files and how to run GIZA++ over here: