Is there a way to perform a cross join or Cartesian product in excel?

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At the moment, I cannot use a typical database so am using excel temporarily. Any ideas?

The enter image description here


There are 7 best solutions below


Here is a very easy way to generate the Cartesian product of an arbitrary number of lists using Pivot tables:

The example is for two lists, but it works for any number of tables and/or columns.

Before creating the Pivot table, you need to convert your value lists to tables.


Try using a DAX CROSS JOIN. Read more at MSDN

You can use the expression CROSSJOIN(table1, table2) to create a cartesian product.


Here's a way using Excel formulas:

|    |       A        |       B        |       C        |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  1 |                |                |                |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  2 | Table1_Column1 | Table2_Column1 | Table2_Column2 |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  3 |       A        |       1        |       X        |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  4 |       B        |       2        |       Y        |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  5 |       C        |       3        |       Z        |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  6 |                |                |                |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  7 |      Col1      |      Col2      |      Col3      |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  8 |   = Formula1   |   = Formula2   |   = Formula3   |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
|  9 |   = Formula1   |   = Formula2   |   = Formula3   |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| 10 |   = Formula1   |   = Formula2   |   = Formula3   |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| 11 |      ...       |      ...       |      ...       |
| -- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- |

Formula1: IF(ROW() >= 8 + (3*3*3), "", INDIRECT(ADDRESS(3 + MOD(FLOOR(ROW() - 8)/(3*3), 3), 1)))
Formula2: IF(ROW() >= 8 + (3*3*3), "", INDIRECT(ADDRESS(3 + MOD(FLOOR(ROW() - 8)/(3)  , 3), 2)))
Formula3: IF(ROW() >= 8 + (3*3*3), "", INDIRECT(ADDRESS(3 + MOD(FLOOR(ROW() - 8)/(1)  , 3), 3)))


A little bit code in PowerQuery could solve the problem:

  Quelle = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="tbl_Data"]}[Content],
  AddColDim2 = Table.AddColumn(Quelle, "Dim2", each Quelle[Second_col]),
  ExpandDim2 = Table.ExpandListColumn(AddColDim2, "Dim2"),
  AddColDim3 = Table.AddColumn(ExpandDim2, "Dim3", each Quelle[Third_col]),
  ExpandDim3 = Table.ExpandListColumn(AddColDim3, "Dim3"),
  RemoveColumns = Table.SelectColumns(ExpandDim3,{"Dim1", "Dim2", "Dim3"})
in RemoveColumns

enter image description here


Using VBA, you can. Here is a small example:

Sub SqlSelectExample()
'list elements in col C not present in col B
    Dim con As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set con = New ADODB.Connection
    con.Open "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" & _
           "DriverId=790;" & _
           "Dbq=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _
           "DefaultDir=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";ReadOnly=False;"
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    rs.Open "select ccc.test3 from [Sheet1$] ccc left join [Sheet1$] bbb on ccc.test3 = bbb.test2 where bbb.test2 is null  ", _
            con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
    Range("g10").CopyFromRecordset rs   '-> returns values without match
    Debug.Print rs.RecordCount          'get the # records
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set con = Nothing
End Sub

One* general formula to rule them all!

The result

enter image description here

enter image description here

The formula

MOD(CEILING.MATH([index]/PRODUCT([size of set 0]:[size of previous set]))-1,[size of current set])+1

This formula gives the index (ordered position) of each element in the set, where set i has a size of n_i. Thus if we have four sets the sizes would be [n_1,n_2,n_3,n_4].

Using that index one can just use the index function to pick whatever attribute from the set (imagine each set being a table with several columns one could use index([table of the set],[this result],[column number of attribute]).


The two main components of the formula explained, the cycling component and the partitioning component.

Cycling component

=MOD([partitioning component]-1, [size of current set])+1

  • Cycles through all the possible values of the set.
  • The modulo function is required so the result will "go around" the size of the set, and never "out of bounds" of the possible values.
  • The -1 and +1 help us go from one-based numbering (our set indexes) to zero-based numbering (for the modulo operation).

Partitioning component

CEILING.MATH([index]/PRODUCT([size of set 0]:[size of previous set]):

  • Partitions the "cartesian index" in chunks giving each chunk an "name".
  • The "cartesian index" is just a numbering from 1 to the number of elements in the Cartesian Product (given by the product of the sizes of each set).
  • The "name" is just an increasing-by-chunk enumeration of the "cartesian index".
  • To have the same "name" for all indexes belonging to each chunk, we divide the "cartesian index" by the number of partitions and "ceil" it (kind of round up) the result.
  • The amount of partitions is the total size of the last cycle, since, for each previous result one requires to repeat it for each of this set's elements.
  • It so happens that the size of the previous result is the product of all the previous sets sizes (including the size of a set before the first so we can generalize, which we will call the "set 0" and will have a constant size of 1).

With screenshots

Set sizes

Prepared set sizes including the "Set0" one and the size of the Cartesian Product.

Here, the sizes of sets are:

  • "Set0": 1 in cell B2
  • "Set1": 2 in cell C2
  • "Set2": 5 in cell D2
  • "Set3": 3 in cell E2

Thus the size of the Cartesian product is 30 (2*5*3) in cell A2.

enter image description here


Table structure _tbl_CartesianProduct with the following columns and their formulas:

  • Results:
    • Cartesian Index: =IF(ROW()-ROW(_tbl_CartesianProduct[[#Headers];[Cartesian Index]])<=$A$2;ROW()-ROW(_tbl_CartesianProduct[[#Headers];[Cartesian Index]]);NA())
    • concatenation: =TEXTJOIN("-";TRUE;_tbl_CartesianProduct[@[Index S1]:[Index S3]])
    • Index S1: =MOD(CEILING.MATH([@[Cartesian Index]]/PRODUCT($B$2:B$2))-1;C$2)+1
    • Index S2: =MOD(CEILING.MATH([@[Cartesian Index]]/PRODUCT($B$2:C$2))-1;D$2)+1
    • Index S3: =MOD(CEILING.MATH([@[Cartesian Index]]/PRODUCT($B$2:D$2))-1;E$2)+1
  • step "size of previous partition":
    • Size prev part S1: =PRODUCT($B$2:B$2)
    • Size prev part S2: =PRODUCT($B$2:C$2)
    • Size prev part S3: =PRODUCT($B$2:D$2)
  • step "Chunk name":
    • Chunk S1: =CEILING.MATH([@[Cartesian Index]]/[@[Size prev part S1]])
    • Chunk S2: =CEILING.MATH([@[Cartesian Index]]/[@[Size prev part S2]])
    • Chunk S3: =CEILING.MATH([@[Cartesian Index]]/[@[Size prev part S3]])
  • final step "Cycle through the set":
    • Cycle chunk in S1: =MOD([@[Chunk S1]]-1;C$2)+1
    • Cycle chunk in S2: =MOD([@[Chunk S2]]-1;D$2)+1
    • Cycle chunk in S3: =MOD([@[Chunk S3]]-1;E$2)+1

Table structure for Cartesian product

*: for the actual job of producing the Cartesian enumerations


You have 3 dimensions here: dim1 (ABC), dim2 (123), dim3 (XYZ).

Here is how you make a cartesian product of 2 dimensions using standard Excel and no VBA:

1) Plot dim1 vertically and dim2 horizontally. Concatenate dimension members on the intersections:

Step 1 - plotting dimensions

2) Unpivoting data. Launch pivot table wizard using ALT-D-P (don't hold ALT, press it once). Pick "Multiple consolidation ranges" --> create a single page.. --> Select all cells (including headers!) and add it to the list, press next.

step2 - unpivoting data

3) Plot the resulting values vertically and disassemble the concatenated strings

step 3 - disassemble strings

Voila, you've got the cross join. If you need another dimension added, repeat this algorithm again.

