I have to get data from all members of a list of Telegram chats – groups and supergroups –, but, as Pyrogram documentation alerts, it is only possible to get a total of 10,000 ChatMember results in a single query. Pyrogram's iter_chat_members method is limited to it and does not provide an offset parameter or some kind of pagination handling. So I tried to get 200-sized chunks of data with its get_chat_members method, but after the 50th chunk, which corresponds to the 10,000th ChatMember object, it starts to give me empty results. The draft code I used for testing is as follows:

from pyrogram import Client

def get_chat_members(app, target, offset=0, step=200):
    total = app.get_chat_members_count(target)
    itrs = (total//step) + 1
    members_list = []
    itr = 1
    while itr <= itrs:
        members = app.get_chat_members(target, offset)
        offset += step
        itr += 1
    return members_list

app = Client("my_account")
with app:
    results = get_chat_members(app, "example_chat_entity")

I thought that despite any of these methods giving me the full chat members data, there should be a workaround, given that what Pyrogram's documentation says about this limit corresponds to a single query. I wonder, then, if there is a way to do more than one query, without flooding the API, and without losing the offset state. Am I missing something or is it impossible to do due to an API limitation?


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This is a Server Limitation, not one of Pyrogram itself. The Server simply does not yield any more information after ~10k members. There is no way that a user would need to know detailed information about this many members anyway.