Is there an R package to parse geophysical "Log Ascii Standard" Files (.las files)?

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Is there an R package that can read .las files, i.e. Schlumberger Log Ascii standard files?
It should be capable of reading las 2.0 files.

Please note:

  • I am not talking about LIDAR .las files here.
  • I am talking about geophysical well-hole logging files (not logging files for computer apps, demons and the like)

Searching for R and Las and Logfiles on the internet gives me personally too many red herrings.

Updates from Comments:

I am also considering scripts or APIs that could make use of language bindings for R.

So far, I've found the following scripts:

However, all these scripts so far seem not very mature to me.

There is also a freeware software package "Log Data Toolbox" by Schlumberger, but it only runs under Windows and might have compatibility issues with non-english Versions of Windows (if I remember correctly).

There is a complex java applet from the Kansas Geological Survey, but it is a bit sluggish for large .las input-files.

There is a ruby project and a python project. Also, see this link for a nice set of example las files.


There are 4 best solutions below


Sample of a *.las file:

#MNEM           .UNIT                  API CODE            :DESCRIPTION
#----            ------          --------------            -----------------------------
DEPT            .ft                                        :                                                        Station Depth
INCL            .deg                                       :                                                        Hole inclination
AZIM            .deg                                       :                                                        Measured Azimuth
#        DEPT         INCL         AZIM
0.00         0.00         0.00
36.00         0.33       123.98
126.00         0.17       183.28
218.00         0.19       202.04
308.00         0.24       191.24
398.00         0.21       198.60
495.00         0.02       179.55

The objective when reading the file is to ignore the file header and copy only the data which came after (~ASCII) line in addition each column header So we copy all the file, and search in it line-by-line until we reach the (~ASCII) line, then we copy the line before it (the header) and all what came after it (the data), and we remove the (~ASCII) line.

Note that we remove the (#) symbol from the header line.

The last step is convert the data to table and then write it as csv file.

The complete code:

#remove all variables (cleanup)
mwd_txt = 0;

for (i in 1:length(Ascii_txt)){
    if(Ascii_txt[i] == "~ASCII"){
    mwd_txt <- Ascii_txt[(i-1):length(Ascii_txt)]

    # remove (#) from the header line
    substr(mwd_txt[1], 1, 2) <- " ";

    # remove "~ASCII" line
    mwd_txt <- mwd_txt[-2]


mwd <- read.table(header = TRUE, text=mwd_txt);

#write the mwd data to file ... in CSV format
mwd_csv_file <- paste(MWD_filePath, ".csv", sep="");
write.csv(mwd, file = mwd_csv_file);

I have done for my personal (fit for my purpose) use a well log las2 file reader. It has 2 steps 1. create a list of *.las files to read and append 2. read the number of *.las files and append into a single data frame. Both codes are tested on a set of *.las files created from standard commercial packages in 2016 - in Windows 10 under R 3.2.4 (64bit)

Code-1 to read and create simple file list of *.las files to run Code-2

# Read the file having list of well-log LAS files
# Create a R-Object [wellname, path, filename] for LAS reader
# Create filelist from DOS prompt dir *.las > filelist.dat
# G Srikanth 29-May-2016
defaultworkdir <- readline("What is the file path? ")
welllistfile <- readline("What is the well list file? ")
listfilelines <- readLines(con = welllistfile, skipNul = TRUE)
#      search for "Directory of " to get the LAS data folder = lasfolder
#      search for "File(s)" to get the number of files = nlasfiles, linenumber
#      the data file names are before the "Files(s)" line = lasfilenames() char vector of length nlasfiles
oneline <- listfilelines[grep("Directory of ",listfilelines)]
lasfilepath <- sub(" Directory of ","",oneline)
oneline <- listfilelines[grep(" File",listfilelines)]
# modified from
numberoflasfiles <- as.numeric(word(sub("^\\s+", "", oneline),1))

# file names occur from - to in the DOS list read-in
fromline <- as.numeric(grep(" File",listfilelines)) -numberoflasfiles

# extract the last word from the fromline - numberoflasfiles times and load into suitable data structure
#     tail(strsplit(oneline,split=" ")[[1]],1)   --- taken from 

lasfile <- c(1:numberoflasfiles)
for (n in 1 : numberoflasfiles) 
  oneline <- listfilelines[fromline]
  lasfile[n] <- tail(strsplit(oneline,split=" ")[[1]],1)
# print (lasfile)
lasfile<- paste(lasfilepath,"\\",lasfile,sep="")
# print(lasfile)
# temp <- readLines(con=lasfile[1], skipNul = TRUE) 

Code-2 Reads many *.las files and constructs a single data frame

# Read the list of lasfiles to read
# open each las file and get data

# G Srikanth 29 May 2016

#                                                   install.packages("data.table")
# 1. set working directory and read the file list
defaultworkdir <- readline("What is the file path? ")
lasfilelist <- readline("What is the well list file? ")
welllogdata <- data.frame()

#     load("lasfiles.Rdat")    name of saved file
#     determine number of well files
nwells <- length(lasfile)
# 2. Main read loop for each well las file in directory
for (wellno in 1:nwells)
  # 2a. Get uwi
  # 2b. Get curve names
  # 2c. Read the curve data

  # LAS files have all the headers within first 100 lines
  # read 100 lines into a vector
  headerlines <- readLines(con = lasfile[wellno], n=100L, ok=TRUE, skipNul = TRUE)
  # extract uwi  NOTE - many las files write only proper well name and not UWI. in such case replace UWI with WELL in next line
    oneline <- headerlines[grep(" UWI",headerlines)]
    # remove multiple spaces with gsub() extract 3rd word with word()
    #     ref:
    uwi[wellno]<-word(gsub("\\s+"," ",str_trim(oneline)),3)
  # extract curve information and data location
    #locate ~A  in the headerlines. This has the log names.
    oneline <- headerlines[grep("~A",headerlines)]# line having curves names
    oneline <- gsub("\\s+"," ",str_trim(oneline)) # trim leading trailing and extra blanks
    ncurves <- str_count(oneline, " ")
    # ncurves <- str_count(gsub("\\s+"," ",str_trim(headerlines[grep("~A",headerlines)]))," ")
    # The next record in data file is numeric las data.
    dataline <- as.numeric(grep("~A",headerlines)+1)
    curvenameline <- as.numeric(grep("~A",headerlines)- ncurves) 
    # curve names start at curvenameline and contine for ncurves. The first word in each line is curve name
    logname <- c(1:ncurves)
    for (nc in 1:ncurves)
      logname[nc] <- word(gsub("\\s+"," ",str_trim(headerlines[curvenameline+(nc-1)])),1)
  # read the data matrix from the line - dataline in the well las file
    # null value used in the las file
    lasnull <- word(gsub("\\s+"," ",str_trim(headerlines[grep(" NULL",headerlines)])),3)
    temp<- read.table(lasfile[wellno], header=F, na.strings=lasnull, skip=dataline-1, col.names = logname)
    temp <- merge(temp,uwi[wellno])
    names(temp) <- c(logname,"uwi")
  # concatenate this data into a single data-frame. use the lognames to merge.
    if (wellno == 1) welldata <- temp else welldata <- rbind.fill(welldata, temp)    #rbind doesnt merge with different names, Thanks to stackoverflow!
        # to clean the logname vector between files

Hope it is useful!!


Answering my own question:

Now there is a python library, lasio, which works quite nicely. It could be called from R, maybe via the system2() function; and the output could be fetched into R data structures. Another possibility would be to serialize the lasfile-objects into JSON, save to file and reimport from R. Maybe I'll extend this answer with a code sample, but I don't have the time right now.


2021 Answer:


lastools is an R package on github reads Log Ascii Standard v2.0 files.

It also provides basic plotting, and writing out to las file format.

To install from r command line (can be installed other ways also):


Example to load lastools, read a las file and display the contents in R :

las_file <- "your-sample.las"
las <- read_las(las_file)


lasr (in beta testing as of early 2021) Lasr is primarily designed to import LAS files at high speed and in large batches.

To install from r command line:

if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')

Example to load lasr, read and display las file contents in R:

las = read.las(system.file("extdata", "las_3_cwls.las", package = "lasr"))

#Display the WELL section
head(las$well, 10)