Is there another way to unit test business logic in mvc

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I have added a unit test to a mvc5 application manually. This is my business logic

public void AddTreatments(TreatmentView model)
    using(var treatment = new TreatmentRepository())
        var treat = new PhysiqueData.ModelClasses.Treatment()
            treatmentID = model.treatmentID,
            treatmentCost = model.treatmentCost,
            treatmentDuration = model.treatmentDuration,
            treatmentName = model.treatmentName

This is my repository used in the service layer

public class TreatmentRepository:ITreatmentRepository
    private ApplicationDbContext _datacontext;
    private readonly IRepository<Treatment> _treatmentRepository;

    public TreatmentRepository()
        _datacontext = new ApplicationDbContext();
        _treatmentRepository = new RepositoryService<Treatment>(_datacontext);

    public void Insert(Treatment model)

The next code is my actual unit test for my treatment and it is not working, please can I get some guidance on it. I googled a lot of things and still can't get it right.

public class UnitTest1
    public void AddingTreatmenttodatabase()
        //var business = new TreatmentBusiness(new TreatmentRepository());

        var treatment = new Treatment()
            treatmentID = 1,
            treatmentCost = 250,
            treatmentDuration = 45,
            treatmentName = "LowerBack"

        var repositoryMock = new Mock<ITreatmentRepository>();
        repositoryMock.Setup(x => x.Insert(treatment));

        var business = new TreatmentBusiness(repositoryMock.Object);


        repositoryMock.Verify(x => x.Insert(treatment), Times.Once());

There are 1 best solutions below


So you're instantiating a mock of ITreatmentRepository, setting up some behaviour and injecting it into your TreatmentBusiness class. So far, so good.

But then, in your AddTreatments method, you're instantiating a new TreatmentRepository, instead of using the one injected in via the constructor.

I'm assuming your constructor looks something like this:

public class TreatmentBusiness
    private readonly ITreatmentRepository repository;

    public TreatmentBusiness(ITreatmentRepository repository)
        this.repository = repository;


In which case, your method should look like this:

public void AddTreatments(TreatmentView model)
    using (var treatment= this.repository)
        var treat = new PhysiqueData.ModelClasses.Treatment();
            treat.treatmentID = model.treatmentID;
            treat.treatmentCost = model.treatmentCost;
            treat.treatmentDuration = model.treatmentDuration;
            treat.treatmentName = model.treatmentName;

Notice the usage of the field repository, as opposed to instantiating a new one.

As per Jimmy_keen's suggestion, in order to ensure your repository is properly instantiated and accessible throughout your class, a factory is advisable.

There are several ways you can achieve a repository factory, either you hand crank a dedicated factory and inject that into your constructor, like so:

public class TreatmentBusiness
    private readonly ITreatmentRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory;

    public TreatmentBusiness(ITreatmentRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory)
        this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;


And that change the way you access your repository like so:

public void AddTreatments(TreatmentView model)
    using (var treatment= this.repositoryFactory.Make())
    //or whatever method name you've chosen on your factory

If you feel this is too heavy handed, you can opt for a method delegate (Func<>) and inject just a method that instantiates a new TreatmentRepository.

This would change your constructor like so:

public class TreatmentBusiness
    private readonly Func<TreatmentRepository> getTreatmentRepository;

    public TreatmentBusiness(Func<TreatmentRepository> getTreatmentRepository)
            this.getTreatmentRepository = getTreatmentRepository;

And you would change your method like this:

public void AddTreatments(string model)
    using (var treatment = this.getTreatmentRepository()) //Or this.getTreatmentRepository.Invoke() - same thing

The way you resolve that dependency is up to you, either do it manually and inject that delegate like this when instantiating your Business object:

var treatmentBusiness = new TreatmentBusiness(() => new TreatmentRepository());

or you can use one of the many IoC containers/DI frameworks out there.