Is there any shell script and/or Makefile static code analyser?

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Or how can I ensure reliability of my Makefiles/scripts?

Update: by shell scripts I mean sh dialect (bash, zsh, whatever), by Makefiles I mean GNU make. I know, they are different beasts, but they have many in common.

P. S. Yeah, I know, static code analysis can't verify all possible cases, and that I need to write my Makefiles and shell script in a way, that would be reliable. I just need tool, that will tell me, when I use bad practices, when I forgot about them or didn't notice in big script. Not fix errors for me, but just take second look.


There are 1 best solutions below


For sh scripts, ShellCheck will do some static analysis checks, like detecting when variable modifications are hidden by subshells, when you accidentally use [ $foo=bar ] or when you neglect to quote variables that could contain spaces. It also comments on some stylistic issues like useless use of cat or using sed when you could use parameter expansion.