Is there any way to access the current test's parameters (apart from the parameters themselves)?

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If I write a parameterized NUnit test, using something like [TestCaseSource] or [ValueSource], NUnit will pass the parameters directly to my test method. But is there any other way to access those parameters, e.g. from SetUp, or from a helper method (without having to explicitly pass the parameter value to that helper method)?

For example, suppose I have three different scenarios (maybe it's "rising rates", "falling rates", and "constant rates"). I'm writing tests for a particular calculation, and some tests will have the same behavior in all three scenarios; others in two of the three (and I'll write a second test for the other scenario); others will have a separate test for each scenario. Parameterized tests seem like a good way to model this; I can write a strategy object for each scenario, and parameterize the tests based on which scenarios each test should apply to.

I can do something like this:

public IEnumerable<RateStrategy> AllScenarios {
    get {
        yield return new RisingRatesStrategy();
        yield return new FallingRatesStrategy();
        yield return new ConstantRatesStrategy();
public void SomethingThatIsTheSameInAllScenarios(RateStrategy scenario) {
    ... arrange ...
    ... act ...
    ... assert ...

The downside to this is that I need to remember to call InitializeScenario in every test. This is easy to mess up, and it also makes the tests harder to read -- in addition to the attribute that says exactly which scenarios this test applies to, I also need an extra line of code cluttering up my test, saying that oh yeah, there are scenarios.

Is there some other way I could access the test parameters? Is there a static property, similar to those on TestContext, that would let me access the test's parameters from, say, my SetUp method, so I could make my tests more declarative (convention-based) and less repetitive?

(TestContext looked promising, but it only tells me the test's name and whether it passed or failed. The test's parameters are sort of there, but only as part of a display string, not as actual objects; I can't grab the strategy object and start calling methods on it.)


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